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Negative zodiac traits: After marriage, he expects you to kiss the ground he makes you crawl on while he declares his need for freedom. Bad qualities of the zodiac sign as it is

What do you need to work on to get better?

Each of us has such nasty character traits that we simply cannot get rid of. And would you believe if we say that the stars are to blame for everything? No? Then read our material and see for yourself. Only, mind you, no offense!

Aries and Libra are selfish

Aries and Libra fall in love quickly and cool off just as quickly. It's sad but true that you are often ruthless with other people's feelings. You can easily break the heart of a person in love with you if something goes wrong. Not the way you want! In your head is the ideal model of a boyfriend and future husband, which is simply impossible to match. From the second half you demand unquestioning obedience - then, perhaps, you will be satisfied. May be…

How to work on yourself: learn to put yourself in the place of other people, take into account other people's opinions and desires, and also realize that there is nothing perfect in the world.


Taurus and Scorpio are paranoid

Taurus and Scorpio have huge trust issues. If you were born under one of these signs, then most likely you firmly believe that everyone around you is using you and wants to harm you. Dating a guy, you are always jealous of him and suspect him of treason. That is why you cannot resist checking his VKontakte correspondence in the hope of finding compromising evidence. You can win your full trust only by a miracle, and until a miracle happens, you can only endure and hope.

How to work on yourself: you just need to work on your self-esteem. After all, only a very insecure person suspects everyone around.


Gemini and Sagittarius are irresponsible

Responsibility and stability? Definitely not about you. If you were born under the sign of Gemini or Sagittarius, then you simply hate certainty and order. Your worst nightmare is the commitment that inevitably comes with a serious relationship. Gemini and Sagittarius are only able to take care of themselves, and then at a minimum - for far-reaching plans, either the mind or the desire is not enough.

How to work on yourself: it seems to you that you live for your pleasure, but in fact you live in chaos. And when you grow up, you will understand that you hardly have one true friend left. To prevent this from happening, you will have to learn to take responsibility (at least in some way).


Cancer and Capricorn are pessimists

Any trifle in the eyes of Cancers and Capricorns turns into a global tragedy. Eternally resentful and caustic, they are literally obsessed with revenge, at least in words. If you were born under one of these zodiac signs, then most likely you are suffering from loneliness, but you just don’t want to correct the situation - your willpower is only enough for whining and complaining. Instead of active actions, you prefer to spread out on the couch and selflessly indulge in despair.

How to work on yourself: pull yourself together, rag, and do what you have to do to be happy. You can!


Leo and Aquarius are selfish worse than Aries and Libra

If you are Leo or Aquarius, then you are stubborn and proud. It is almost impossible to prove something to you, because for you there are only two opinions - yours and the wrong one. You sincerely consider yourself a queen, but at the same time you are terribly afraid of being rejected. For you, the best defense is an attack, so you are the first to attack people with whom you do not agree. Other people's nit-picking hurts your inflated ego, so you prefer to eliminate competitors in advance.

How to work on yourself: it is better for you to direct your obstinacy in the right direction, and in communicating with friends and relatives, try to show calmness and understanding. Of course, you will still think that you are right, but it is still worth trying to accept, understand and think about other people's opinions.

Dear Friends and beloved Readers of the site Secrets of the Universe! Let's check our theory together and see what bad qualities of the zodiac sign you have. Just be honest, no one will see you. Write the result in the comments. Go!

For many people, astrology is very important. It seems to them that, knowing the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac, they will be able to better understand people. This approach is largely justified, and it is best, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, to simply remember what the worst can be expected from people born under one sign or another.


These people are by nature very proud and self-centered. It is difficult (and even almost impossible) to get them to admit their mistakes. They are unshakably sure that they are right. And of course, very often they are much stronger, more successful, brighter than people of other signs of the zodiac, and this makes Aries obsessed with themselves, with their achievements. They are sure that they do not need anyone to achieve their goals.

Aries are born leaders and have a hard time accepting pressure, power and people who can surpass them in some way in terms of hierarchy, financial condition, physical form. Aries do not want and will not obey anyone, on the contrary, they want to be obeyed, respected, admired.


The most important defect of Taurus is the desire for possessiveness and absorption. Their jealousy is legendary. He lashes out without hesitation if he feels even the slightest threat to his relationship. In addition, Taurus likes a comfortable life and gains weight easily because he likes to try unfamiliar dishes, learn new culinary recipes, and eats not to get enough, but for the taste of food. They do not know how to restrain themselves, and the temptations are stronger than them.

At the same time, Taurus are bold and reckless - they rarely think before they act. In relationships, they are not always sincere and faithful, their complex personality is not easy for partners to understand.

In short, the worst qualities of a Taurus are irascibility, jealousy, and secretiveness.


Very superficial and prudent creatures. Their thinking is simple. They also easily change their minds by following someone who has influence over them. Geminis are not interested in deep ideas or philosophical reflections. It is useless to talk about culture, politics or history with them. These topics, as well as current affairs, the Gemini leave to others.

They love everything material, pompous and dazzling. They like what embellishes them and distinguishes them from the general mass of people. They love money, and they hate to listen to other people, sympathize with them and try to understand them.

In a word, the three huge flaws of Gemini are the desire to manipulate, superficiality, love of kitsch.

This is the most capricious of the signs of the zodiac. Cancers are very attached to their family, among them there are a lot of sissies. They change their minds more than they change their shirts and constantly think that the whole world is against them. It's almost impossible to tell for sure what Cancers are thinking. They are unable to control their emotions in either family or work relationships.

Cancers are lifelong children who will not grow up into old age. It's just impossible to master her and expect anything from him.

In general, Cancer is infantile, capricious and limited.

This sign has an incredibly huge ego and constantly wants to demonstrate to strangers their personal successes. That's all that matters. Leos want to win at all costs, be stronger no matter what happens, and, of course, dominate everything, whether professional, personal or friendly. Leos always want to be right and don't like criticism.

Thus, the three negative qualities of Leo are the desire to dominate, impulsiveness and incredible egocentrism.

This is the least funny zodiac sign. Virgos do not like manifestations of fantasy and fun. They are control maniacs and love order in everything. At the same time, they are not leaders, but rather followers with a large inferiority complex. They know how to be good soldiers for commanders, they are always at a low start in order to serve their superiors in time.

Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, they hate clutter and chaos and would rather spend their time cleaning than going out and enjoying life. Virgos love to criticize others and are quite hypocritical.

Virgo's basic defects: the desire to control everything, spinelessness and self-doubt.

This is the weakest of all zodiac signs. Libra is full of complexes and has no self-confidence at all. They do not strive to be leaders or impress others, because they are sure that they are simply not able to do it.

The three disadvantages of Libras are that they are lazy, irresponsible and like to adapt.

People of this sign are excellent manipulators. Scorpios are mysterious individuals who have an innate talent for harming people. Scorpios are also known for their immoderate sexual appetite. There are no taboos for them, and they love excesses. Scorpios always and in any relationship expect more from people than they can give them.

In short, Scorpios are generally notorious for their cruelty, love of undercover games, and unstoppable lies.

This is a sign of dreamy, fearful and insecure people. Sagittarians do not dare to express their ideas, are ignorant and inattentive. They are fickle in relations with people - they can be sweet and seem like friends, but they forget about the interlocutor as soon as he has left. Sagittarians enjoy life to the fullest, but easily give up any hobbies and undertakings.

The main disadvantages of Sagittarius are negligence, naivety and lack of seriousness.

Capricorns have a reputation for being ambitious individuals who attract success and money. They are workaholics, born leaders who spend a lot of time and get out of their skin just to achieve their ultimate goal: professional success. They love power and wealth.

Thus, the main defects of Capricorn lie in excessive ambition, intolerance and gloom.

If there is a sign that is difficult to understand and impossible to suppress, it is Aquarius. These people are often said to be eccentric and unreliable, which is quite true. Being in a relationship, Aquarians are able to pack a suitcase and take off running at any time.

It is difficult for them to express their feelings, he is constantly in search, whether it be friendship, love or work. Aquarians are unable to make long-term commitments. Aquarians love adventure and do their best to avoid any responsibility.

Simply put, Aquarius is frivolous, eccentric and completely devoid of empathy.

They are vulnerable and often out of touch with reality. Pisces disappear as soon as they realize that they now have to decide something. They are depressive and melancholic, their mood is constantly changing, and they easily go from laughter to tears without knowing why. Pisces give the impression of cowardly or weak people, in fact, they are such - huge pessimists, completely unsure of themselves.

The disadvantages of Pisces are that they often lie, do nothing and blame others for their mistakes.

Well? Many of you are probably in a little shock))) And what to do. Truth is always there Accept your shortcomings and change with them. Then the bad qualities of the zodiac sign will turn into good ones.

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All people hide their flaws, but they still climb to the surface. The Signs of the Zodiac are responsible for this, and we will tell you about the worst features of each of them.


If you met Aries on the way, then be prepared that this person can express everything directly on the forehead, without hiding anything. Yes, and you yourself will not hide from him - if he wants to get it, he will certainly get it. What other desires are there, what personal space is there! Aries will break into you in the middle of the night with a nonsense problem and will sincerely be perplexed - why are they looking askance at him? It has long been known about Aries that they break through any walls with their foreheads, well, that’s right, the head is not created to think with it, you need to eat in it. By the way, about food. Aries know that they are rustic and love to pretend to be such gourmets and connoisseurs of all sorts of frills. Let them tell tales about how they love deflope and blue cheese - don't believe it! The same applies to fashion, art, films and theatrical productions. You look at Aries at some premiere - his teeth are cramping from boredom, but all the same, chasing the image of an intellectual. In love, Aries resembles a natural disaster. Having received what he wants - whether it be a loved one, a toy, a position, Aries instantly loses interest in all this and rushes headlong further, looking for new adventures for his sirloin and finding them, joyfully and enthusiastically steps on the same rake again and again.


The fact that Taurus is never in a hurry (with conclusions) is clear to many after the very first minutes of communication. But this is only an appearance. Taurus can sleep with their eyes open during a conversation, or give cues out of place. And all due to the fact that the topic is not interesting to him, that is, it does not directly concern him personally. Your familiar Taurus will be cute, sleepy and fluffy until his interests are hurt. Here everyone will immediately see how a soft and kind heifer turns into an angry buffalo. And no red rags are needed - just try to take the last cookie that Taurus is aiming at from the plate. Sitting then on the highest tree in the area, you will have enough time to think about the restraint of Taurus and their generosity. By the way, about the soul and matter - Taurus are terrible materialists. And disinterestedly love money. How disinterested, anyone who tries to do business with Taurus can be convinced. Employers shudder nervously at the mere mention of Taurus - not only will such a person not overwork, they will also demand all the due vacation pay, bonuses, maternity pay, as well as 13th and 14th salaries. In love, Taurus is a romantic idealist. He can devour you with a languid look for years, but he will either be too lazy or scared to approach you. To push Taurus to a love attack, a good kick will not hurt - in the form of a potential rival or boyfriend.


The fact that Gemini is a well-known talker and brainwasher is not known only by the lazy or those who have not encountered them in life. Geminis seem to be created in order to generate and spread rumors, which they sincerely consider to be objective information. Irony in their understanding is a rather specific humor aimed at imprinting absent friends and acquaintances. At the same time, any self-respecting Gemini looks like a kind of angel without wings. Therefore, when you once again laugh cheerfully at his outrageous jokes directed against a common friend, think about it - what does Gemini say about you when you are not around? It is unlikely that he sings praises to you, for sure, you will not expect this from him. In the head of the Gemini, sometimes there is complete confusion - today he says one thing, tomorrow - quite another, and he himself does not know what he will say the day after tomorrow. The advice "Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk" was definitely created by someone affected by the talkative Gemini. But even quite restrained Gemini (and there are such, yes, yes!) Can surprise especially in the love sphere. How do you like this idea - to have several love affairs at the same time and put psychological experiments on naive girls (or boys)? Sigmund Freud is just nervously smoking on the sidelines!


What Cancer comes up with in his head, no psychoanalyst will be able to unravel, and if he tries, then Cancer will most likely be mortally offended. There are holy words for any Cancer - this is “mine”, “personal”, “property”. Therefore, Cancers with the same frenzy will protect their property and their personal lives. Crayfish are so original! They can let something really rude addressed to them go past their ears, and be offended to death at an innocent remark. By the way, about insults - it is almost impossible to understand what Cancer was offended by. You can guess on cards, on coffee grounds, on beans - the result is the same, you will hit the sky with your finger. Cancer just hasn’t come up with it yet - for what to pout at you, there will always be a reason, this will not be the case. In love, Cancers are eerily mysterious - either they love-can't, overcoming the object of passion with calls and wrapping pink snot around their fist, or cold-bloodedly cheating with those who are wealthier and stronger in terms of character.


Anyone who meets Leo in society is usually fascinated - what a darling, charming and charming! Attention! This is a demo. Everyone is pleased to admire the handsome Leo, the soloist at the party. But, do not forget - admire only from a distance! If such an instance approaches and enters your life, it will be a disaster - first of all, for you. Have you heard the words - despot, tyrant? So, it's all about him. In order to subjugate a loved one or friend to their will, Lions use everything - threats, beating dishes and furniture. Remember that Leo seeks to fill all the space with himself, so it remains only to either give him everything or drive him into a reservation. True, in this case, relations or friendship with Leo obviously will not drag on. To say that in love the Lions pull the blanket over themselves is to say nothing. You will communicate with whom Leo says, go where he is interested and live his life.


Those who believe that Virgos are harmless, kind, meek and modest creatures, oh, how they are mistaken. This is just an appearance! Such a modest chamomile will easily shave off anyone who inadvertently decides to cross the road to her or her loved ones. In career matters, the uninterested appearance of Virgo regularly deceives the vigilance of competitors. While they are running, like running squirrels in a wheel, it somehow imperceptibly turns out that it is Virgo who becomes the boss. Sleight of hand and no cheating! Periodically, Dev finds a verse, and they suddenly become kind and generous, but they miss them, as a rule, not for long. Virgos are thrifty to the point of horror, and with great difficulty part with both money and spiritual energy. In love, the most difficult thing is to get Virgo, this sign is really not disposed to marriage. But after that, you can relax - Virgo will selflessly and gratuitously correct you with criticism, teach you about life and polish a diamond like you, but it won’t get away from you.


Libras are romantic and sweet, but with outsiders and strangers. Therefore, it is better for them to remain so. Libra should get to know you better - where does it come from! Or rather, where everything disappears - gallantry, politeness, attentiveness! Libra can resemble an unsweetened candy in a very beautiful package: upon closer acquaintance, stubbornness, egocentrism, whims, and mood swings come out of them. A special bummer threatens lovers who are tempted by the sexual appearance of Libra. Under the sexy wrap is a cold careerist or careerist, with sharp mood swings, obsessed with achieving his personal goals. Anyone who has seriously fallen in love with Libra should know that they are also mercantile, so marriage of convenience for them is not uncommon, but rather the rule. True, we should give them their due, Libra has its own code of honor, which they do not violate - since they promised to be together in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, in sorrow and joy, they will have where to go - gritting their teeth and through "not Can".


Astrologers responsibly declare - the sexual capabilities of Scorpios are greatly exaggerated! Most likely, the Scorpios themselves. Being a slow, fixed sign, Scorpios are slow in developing relationships. The fire in them flares up slowly, but just as slowly and goes out. That is, the object of scorpion love can long ago go to another, get married and give birth to children, and Scorpio will continue to call and breathe into the phone, lie in wait at the entrance and offer to “start all over again”. It is worth giving up once and answering “yes” - before you have time to look back, you will be sitting in his kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, boiling a pot of borscht according to his mom’s favorite recipe. Such a development of relations is clearly designed for an amateur, so Scorpios live in anticipation of such a frame. Both at work and at home, Scorpios do only what they themselves consider necessary. Worries about daily bread and about life often fall on the shoulders of the spouses of Scorpios, therefore it is better to connect your life only with Scorpios - hereditary princes or oligarchs.


The enthusiasm and optimism of Sagittarians greatly helps them to cope with various problems and difficulties that they themselves have organized. Sagittarius is a typical shoemaker without boots, this is the case when a fat one teaches how to lose weight, a poor one teaches how to get rich and a childless one teaches how to raise children. The riddle consists that learns, as a rule, successfully! Getting a Sagittarius is as easy as shelling pears - pretend that you need to learn something from him and that's it, it's in the bag. It’s enough just to nod from time to time and say: “Yes?”, “Really?”, “I would never have thought.” If Sagittarius is not a professional teacher, then he harasses his family and work colleagues, teaching everyone everything. Possessing, moreover, a sickly conceit, Sagittarians are never able to suspect how they tire everyone around them. In addition, Sagittarians are so unbearably kind, so willing to rush to help, that no one simply turns their tongues to open their eyes. Fortunately for the environment, most representatives of this sign love change, so their jobs, colleagues, wives and husbands change with a certain frequency.


This sign seems to have been created in order to forever prepare for something important and global in your life. They even go to the store with the same air as others to storm the Winter Palace. Capricorns are rarely satisfied with their fate: they either rushed to be born, or were late, or it was better for them not to be born at all. Realists and pessimists Capricorns in some matters, however, are naive, like children. It seems to them, for example, that if you plan your whole life correctly, you will get - well, if not fame, then at least fame. Thank God, Capricorns do not have the patience to follow their own devious plans, but no one bothers them to be sad and depressed about what has not happened in their lives. Over the years, when youthful idealism evaporates, Capricorns turn into peppy and optimistic old men and old women. They finally begin to live one day, and their spouses for once receive bouquets of flowers and romantic gifts - if, of course, they live to see this happy day.


Aquarians are real aliens, and those who don't appear to be are just cleverly disguised. Almost every Aquarius has his own "fad", sometimes it is hidden, and sometimes not. Someone photographs UFOs, someone deduces the formula of money by playing all possible games of chance, someone invents a time machine, someone comes up with a super-successful business. Aquarius selects friends and loved ones from among like-minded people. But if everything is clear with friends - they are the same enthusiasts as he himself, then with loved ones not everything is so transparent. The love boat of Aquarius often breaks into everyday life. After some time, it turns out that a loved one does not understand a family as a joint “invention of a bicycle” and not a trip with Aquarius through the Altai taiga in search of “places of power”. The only thing that sometimes reconciles Aquarius with family life is children. Most Aquarians cherish in their hearts the dream that someday the children will continue their work and discover the Bigfoot's lair in the forests of the Moscow Region or find the treasures of the Romanov family in an abandoned sewer.


I must say, in fairness - individuals born under the sign of Pisces and freely related to moral standards are more common than under other signs of the Zodiac. Those of them who swim against the current, at least, do not pretend to be saints, but honestly drive towards their goal, demolishing everything in their path, like a tsunami wave. The strong intuition and energy of Pisces allows them to instantly "read" the situation and make the right moves. Fortunately, there are not so many such Pisces, otherwise mere mortals would not be able to resist their hypnotic charm and witchcraft magnetism. Much more often there are lovers of secret adultery, "underground" millionaires, as well as mystics, fortune-tellers and clairvoyants. At first glance, these are good spouses, friends, colleagues and parents, but what they really think about their lives, fortunately, is a mystery shrouded in darkness. A self-respecting Pisces will never confess to treason, even if caught red-handed, she will say that everything is wrong and you have imagined everything. The same Fish will say if she is accused of some other unseemly act. You will not have time to look back, as you yourself will be to blame for everything, and Pisces will still heartily console you and ask you not to worry and not blame yourself for everything.


Aries is aggressive and primitive. He will go ahead, despite common sense and the obvious senselessness of such actions. Extremely cruel and vindictive. He is very irresponsible about finances and is ready to spend everything on useless trinkets and beer. Representatives of this sign love to lie, brag and arrange evil jokes, from which only they become funny. Aries suffer from frequent memory lapses, so sometimes they are not able to remember the simplest things.


Petty bore. At work, he is often considered an outright sleaze and informer, who is always ready to curry favor with his superiors. The Taurus woman loves to make herself a real martyr in front of her children and her husband, who does everything possible for the well-being of the family. Taurus just love money, so they constantly accumulate and save something. In anger, Taurus is scary, so you don’t need to flirt with him and try to piss him off. The Taurus man often becomes a domestic tyrant, although at the same time, neighbors and relatives sincerely believe that he is just a darling. Taurus is prone to bodily pleasures, lustful and depraved.


These are eternal children who completely refuse to grow up and take life seriously. They remain in childhood until death. They love to chat and give a lot of useless advice. They do not care that no one perceives them, the main thing is the process of constant transfusion from empty to empty. Gemini don't want to stress. Serious work is not for them. It is important for Gemini to constantly be in a state of celebration. They like to take a good walk and just love noisy companies and parties, however, it is desirable that no one bother them with material problems. Geminis are tight-fisted and don't like to spend their money.

Eternal loser and grouchy, who is completely occupied with himself most of the time. He likes to engage in meaningless disputes, and gets incomparable pleasure. A coward in life, but he can strike first, although all this is done solely out of fear. Cancer can pretend to be strong and successful for a while, but in fact, he just loves loneliness and peace.

Leo is very lazy by nature and prone to outright extortion. He has an exaggerated self-esteem. His truly royal manners can cause irreparable damage to the family budget. Leos love to be the center of attention all the time. The admiring glances of others should constantly be riveted to him. Leo tend to take risks, often for no reason, so they are often mired in debt and countless loans. The reason for all the troubles of Leo is his exaggerated self-esteem. Without success, Leo simply does not think of his further existence, and far from all representatives of this zodiac constellation succeed in rising.


A grumpy bore who just loves to find fault with little things. If you have tied your fate with a representative of this sign, then get ready for the fact that you will constantly be harassed about, and often for no reason. In general, one thing can be said with certainty: you definitely won’t have enough nerves. Virgo can unbalance anyone, even a very calm person. Virgo is a recognized master of intrigue, so it is better not to quarrel with her. The revenge of the enraged Virgin is truly terrible: she will destroy her enemies and enemies with extreme sophistication and cold calculation.


Libra has no ambition at all. It is extremely difficult for them to make a responsible decision and take responsibility for themselves. They are unlucky in life, they are simply incapable of grand gestures and impulsive actions. What can I say: Libra is the only inanimate sign in the entire Zodiac, so nothing good can be expected from them. Libra is shy and shifts all responsibility to loved ones. They like to pretend to be aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty, although they themselves do not really understand anything.


If you want to have a terrible enemy for yourself, make friends with Scorpio. If he has not yet managed to do it for you, then do not worry - you still have ahead of you. A Scorpio will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They deceive, intrigue, revenge and hate fiercely. Many Scorpios often cheat on their spouses. These are extremely lustful creatures. If he is polite and courteous with you, then he needs something from you. Scorpios love to inflict pain, and they themselves also experience pleasure from it.


Optimism bordering on cretinism. How can you be happy all the time for no apparent reason. In the head of Sagittarius, from early childhood, a bunch of stupid ideas nest, which he is actively trying to impose on others. You can get tired of Sagittarius very quickly. In family life, he is able to deliver so much trouble to his soul mate that she will pray to God to grant her at least a week of peace. Sagittarius loves fun and noisy companies with plentiful libations. This is how he would sit at the set table all his life.


Capricorn is born. He simply cannot coexist with others on an equal footing. His constant desire to dominate and dominate makes him cold and hard. In family life, he will begin to find fault with all the little things, demanding perfection in everything. Capricorn is simply not able to laugh at himself. Everything that concerns his precious person, he perceives extremely painfully. Only brute force can be countered against him. Capricorn does not shine with intelligence, although most people consider it “stupid”. This is a rare combination of greatness with an inferiority complex.


This comrade is completely cut off from the realities of life. After listening to his reasoning, one might think that he just fell off the moon. Don't lend him money. He will surely forget about his debts. The promises of Aquarius should not be trusted. His word is worth nothing. He does not like to work and prefers a penniless, but independent existence to long and fruitful work. It must always be tightly controlled.


These are born deceivers and liars. They are used to flooding at every opportunity, sometimes they get confused in their lies, but they always try to get out. They love to weave intrigues, and they always try to get away with it. They can't be trusted with secrets - they'll spill them anyway. Pisces are extremely curious and simply love other people's stories, where they will definitely try to show off their mind, acting as a home-grown psychologist. By nature, they are cowardly and will always try to withdraw themselves at the most crucial moment.

Incredible Facts

A lot of good things have been written about the signs of the zodiac.

However, it has long been known that along with positive qualities, we all have a number of negatives.

See also: Why your relationship does not add up depending on the sign of the zodiac

It's time to talk about that part of the personality of each Odiaca sign that is most annoying.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Unbalanced psychos

Aries rush headlong into whatever they please, without looking around and not caring about the consequences of their actions.

They are selfish, infantile, easily enraged and rarely driven by reason. It seems that all this is quite sexy, but we do not advise you to fall under their arm.

Taurus (April 20 - May 21): misers

Taurus are slow, stubborn and lazy materialists. They are extremely stingy, and happy to sit alone and count their money like children who are afraid that their toys will be taken away from them.

Intellectual, abstract, spiritual matters are beyond their comprehension, as they only care about what they can get. In doing so, they will not fail to instruct others on how they should live.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21): Superficial talkers

Geminis always seem to have something to say until you realize that they have at best a superficial knowledge of the topic of conversation. They have nothing but bluster and nonsensical opinions, jumping from one topic to another, pouring out a flood of information to make themselves seem more interesting.

In fact, these are superficial and ordinary individuals who do not have any opinion or depth.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): whiners

Cancers are so sensitive that others are simply afraid to say something to them, so as not to hurt their subtle nature. These are the biggest whiners in the entire zodiac, and it would not hurt them to pull themselves together at least once in a while. But this is unlikely to happen, as they simply wallow in self-pity.

If you were lucky enough to get into their field of vision, expect long and heartbreaking stories about the past. Advice for Cancers: Live in the present.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): pompous braggarts

When they don't get compliments from others, they start praising themselves hysterically, throwing out phrases like, "Do you know who I am?" These are despotic, domineering tyrants who surround themselves with people who can admire them.

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Neurotic Mumbles

Virgos are neurotics who try to control every aspect of their lives to the smallest detail, as they hate spontaneity and any disruption to their mediocre life. Since they are almost incapable of just relaxing and having fun, they make excellent workers and helpers, but terrible partners in bed.

In addition, their obsession with cleanliness can sometimes be frightening, and if something is out of place, it can lead them into wild horror.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): hypocritical flatterers

Because of Libra's desire to please everyone and be popular, they have little to no inner core, and they can hardly make a decision. If you decide to go out with them to eat somewhere, you will have to stock up on remarkable patience, as they will look at the menu as if they were about to conduct a major study.

In the end, they will choose what you have chosen, since it is almost impossible to do it yourself. They are terribly afraid to demonstrate at least some independence.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22): Perverts

Scorpios are known as the sexiest sign of the zodiac, but their sexuality is often associated with a complete lack of control over their desires. They love to watch others suffer, as they enjoy feeling their power when others show weakness.

Scorpios hide behind a mask of mystery, trying to hide the obvious fact that they feel unloved. Because of this, they become real paranoid and treat their partners as if they started some kind of political game for power. This creates complete chaos in their personal lives, which they hardly put in order.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21): irritable upstarts

The way you are not misled by the love of Sagittarius for philosophy and spirituality. In fact, they resort to it to avoid the everyday life they don't want to face. The most annoying thing is that they themselves do not understand how stupid they look because of their inability to go deep into something, simply because they do not care. They are not after knowledge, but after its appearance.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20): Career Scammers

Capricorns are more boring than boring, cold as a corpse, insensitive and indifferent. These are careerists whose personality is not interesting enough to climb the ladder of their own success. They rarely have fun, as they are too busy calculating who else to make connections with in order to climb up, and who they will have to trample on their way.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18): sheep in wolf clothing

Although Aquarians seem eccentric, strange and original, they are well aware that they are not so special. They just want to prove that they are different without having any inherent or real uniqueness. Aquarians seem to be generous and sympathetic, caring for everyone, but ask their partners and they will tell you that in a relationship they are aloof and indifferent.

They use their so-called uniqueness as an excuse for the lack of love and affection in personal relationships. The belief that they are geniuses can lead them to a nervous breakdown. But they are ready to do anything to look interesting.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): sentimental "nobody"

Since Pisces is always ready to go with the flow, most of the time they have a very vague idea of ​​themselves. Not knowing who they are or what they want, they often fall into sentimental tantrums or live in vague chaos. Pisces try to convince themselves that they haven't completely lost direction in life, but they haven't.