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How to make bird's milk at home. Bird's milk cake at home, step-by-step recipe with photos What can you use to make bird's milk cake?

The history of the confectionery masterpiece “bird's milk” began in France, from where the recipe for this airy confectionery product later migrated to Poland. The famous Polish confectioner Jan Wedel (E. Wedel company) creatively worked on it, improved the recipe and came up with his own name “Bird's Milk” (in Polish - ptasie mleczko). Allegedly, this name was chosen under the influence of Aristophanes’ comedy “The Birds,” where one dreams of happiness, like the milk “not of cows, but of birds.” As a result of Wedel's work, soufflé candies "Bird's Milk" made from beaten eggs filled with marshmallows (a type of marshmallow) gained popularity in Poland.

In the USSR, the idea of ​​​​producing an analogue of the Polish candies “Bird's Milk” in the country's confectionery factories was brought by the Minister of Food Industry Vasily Petrovich Zotov. Returning from Czechoslovakia in 1967, where he first tried the Bird's Milk soufflé, the minister gathered representatives of all the confectionery factories of the Soviet Union at the Moscow confectionery factory Rot Front, and gave the task to create the same candies, although the recipe itself was not known in the USSR.

Soviet confectioners began a competition to create the best recipe for this delicious soufflé, and after a while the production of these sweets was mastered and even creatively expanded to cakes from Bird's Milk. The Vladivostok confectionery factory showed the best results, producing up to 35 tons of these candies per month, although similar candies were also produced by other Soviet confectionery factories, such as Rot Front.

It is curious that the Sakhalin Confectionery and Pasta Factory at that time produced Bird's Milk candies using natural agar-agar (Agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin).

Today you can buy Bird's Milk candies in any grocery department of almost every grocery store. And we will tell lovers of sweets how to prepare Bird's Milk at home. The confectionery production of this airy soufflé is not complicated; you will need a number of simple ingredients, a little time and a bit of creativity!

Recipe for Bird's Milk sweets at home

The ease of making such soufflé candies is somewhat akin to recipes for fruit or milk jellies. It’s worth noting right away that something may work out the first time, but the second time you will definitely get beautiful and tasty candies.


  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice or rich compote - 2 cups;
  • pasteurized milk - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • natural chocolate bar - 1 piece;
  • fresh sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

According to the recipe for the Bird's Milk candy, prepare it at home as follows:

  1. Slowly pour the required amount of gelatin into a heat-resistant container with juice or compote sweetened to taste, let it sink to the bottom, stir a couple of times for an hour.
  2. After this time, place the container on moderate heat and heat with constant stirring, without bringing to a boil, until the gelatin granules dissolve (check visually, stirring from time to time with a spoon).
  3. As soon as the granules dissolve, remove from heat and let the liquid cool slightly, then gradually add the prepared milk into it and beat with a mixer.
  4. Pour the whipped mixture into a suitable mold with a flat bottom so that its thickness is 2-3 centimeters, and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  5. When the jelly mass hardens, you need to remove the mold from the refrigerator and cut it into even candy bars.
  6. At this point, while your “bird’s milk” is cooling, you need to melt a crushed chocolate bar (you can use dark chocolate or milk chocolate to taste) over low heat in a suitable container with the addition of 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
  7. Use a knife to move the candies cut into bars away from each other so that they do not stick together when poured with chocolate, and pour evenly with non-hot chocolate glaze.
  8. Place the doused candies in the refrigerator to cool the glaze for 2-3 hours, and after they have hardened, take them out, turn them upside down with a spatula and pour the remaining glaze on top, return them to the refrigerator for final formation and hardening of the glaze.

It is better to store the resulting “bird's milk” candies in the refrigerator or a cool place so that they do not lose their shape and attractiveness. Do not forget that the shelf life of “Bird's milk” is no more than 10 days.

Recipe for “Bird's milk” from cottage cheese or curd mass

As the name of the recipe suggests, we will prepare the jelly part of these sweets from soft and tender curd mass, which can be purchased in the store already sweet (but preferably without raisins).


  • tender cottage cheese or curd mass - 500 grams;
  • fresh cream with at least 35% fat content - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar, if the cottage cheese is unsweetened - 10 tablespoons;
  • instant gelatin - 1 sachet (15-20 grams).

According to the homemade recipe “Bird's milk” from cottage cheese, prepare it as follows:

  1. Soak instant gelatin in a small amount of water for 30 minutes.
  2. Beat the cream with a mixer into a thick foam, periodically adding sugar.
  3. Add the cream carefully whipped with sugar to the curd mass and continue to beat this combined creamy-curd mass on low until completely homogeneous, adding dissolved gelatin during the whipping process.
  4. Spread the finished mixture evenly into a flat container with low sides (two to three centimeters deep) with a flat bottom and place in the refrigerator to harden for 3-4 hours.
  5. Remove the mold with the frozen creamy curd mass from the refrigerator and cover with the chocolate glaze prepared in advance.
  6. All that remains is to keep the “Bird's Milk” dessert in the refrigerator until the glaze has cooled completely and can be served to the sweet table.

Before serving, cut the finished dessert into portions of the desired configuration and you can decorate the top at your discretion: with whipped cream, berries, mint leaves, caramel nuts, and so on.

Bird's Milk cake recipe at home

The Bird's Milk cake has already firmly taken its place on the holiday tables of our country; we can say that it is already a classic confectionery masterpiece. Now you will get acquainted with the recipe for how to prepare such a soufflé cake at home.


  • wheat flour (premium grade) - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 3 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup for cream; 11 tablespoons for dough; 3 tablespoons for glaze;
  • butter - 150 grams for dough; 300 grams for cream;
  • fresh natural milk - 2 cups;
  • fresh chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons for dough; 2 tablespoons for glaze;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon - 0.5 pieces;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon, slaked with vinegar.

Prepare Bird's Milk cake at home as follows:

  1. Grind the softened butter with sugar, then, adding the eggs, beat the whole mixture with a mixer and pour into it a diluted volume of 2 tablespoons of water and soda dissolved in vinegar. Mix everything until smooth and only then add flour while stirring.
  2. Divide the resulting dough into two equal parts, add cocoa powder into one of them. Roll out both parts into equal cake layers, place on a baking sheet or in a mold greased with vegetable oil and dusted with flour.
  3. Bake the cakes in the oven preheated to +200 C for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Grease the cooled finished cakes with the cream prepared at this time.
  5. Prepare the cream for the cake as follows: cook semolina porridge and, after cooling, add lemon grated on a fine grater with the peel, excluding the seeds. Grind granulated sugar with softened butter and, stirring, add it to the cream. Beat everything until fluffy and homogeneous with a mixer.
  6. Prepare the frosting for the cake as follows: mix cocoa, granulated sugar, sour cream in a suitable heat-resistant container until smooth and put on moderate heat, continuously stirring the mixture until it boils with a wooden spatula. After boiling, add a tablespoon of butter into the mixture and, while stirring, bring to a boil again. Remove from heat and cool

Cut the finished cakes around the circumference into two layers - you get two chocolate and two white. Alternating by color, spread cream on top of each layer, except the top one. All that remains is to pour glaze over the entire cake, place it in the refrigerator to cool for 2 hours - and the “Bird's Milk” cake is ready to please both guests and household members.

Classic recipe for Bird's Milk cake without baking

The process of preparing this version of the Bird's Milk cake is distinguished by the introduction of soufflé into its structure, which gives the dessert a special beauty and tenderness, so highly valued by those with a sweet tooth. You can make this cake without baking. The classic recipe for Bird's Milk cake contains cream, sour cream, and natural milk, too, unlike other cakes.


  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • natural milk - 0.5 cups
  • gelatin - 3 bags (1 of them for glaze);
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • sour cream - 450 milliliters;
  • cream - 500 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 5 tablespoons.

Prepare Bird's Milk cake at home according to the classic recipe as follows:

  1. Pour half a glass of milk into a small saucepan, add instant gelatin. Over low heat, stirring constantly, bring until steam appears and remove from heat.
  2. In a suitable container, combine sour cream, cream and granulated sugar and beat with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.
  3. As soon as the mixture is whipped, pour the cooled milk with dissolved gelatin into it in a stream while stirring. Place the resulting mass in a greased container, smooth with a spatula and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Frosting for the Bird's Milk cake

  1. In a small container, mix cocoa powder, gelatin, granulated sugar.
  2. While stirring, pour 1 glass of drinking water and a small amount of milk into the dry mixture and stir without lumps.
  3. Over moderate heat and stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring the liquid mixture to a boil.
  4. Remove from heat and cool at room temperature.

Remove the frozen cake mass from the refrigerator, coat it with evenly cooled chocolate glaze and place the dessert again in the refrigerator to harden.

Bird's Milk sponge cake recipe

The peculiarities of the Bird's Milk cake according to the traditional recipe are that it contains a layer of biscuit dough. And the soufflé, which is required in layers, can be prepared creatively without strictly adhering to the recipe, which allows you to add vanilla or chocolate to it at your discretion.

Biscuit ingredients:

  1. wheat flour - 150 grams;
  2. granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  3. fresh chicken egg - 4 pieces.

Ingredients for soufflé:

  1. granulated sugar - 300 grams;
  2. butter - 200 grams;
  3. wheat flour - 1 tablespoon;
  4. gelatin - 30 grams;
  5. fresh chicken eggs - ten pieces.

Prepare sponge cake “Bird's milk” according to a home recipe as follows:

Biscuit layer:

  1. Dilute gelatin in 150 milliliters of cold boiling water to dissolve and allow it to swell for 1 hour.
  2. For the sponge cake, beat chilled raw eggs with granulated sugar, add flour and mix with the whipped mixture until the dough is smooth.
  3. Place the resulting dough in a greased mold and place in the oven, preheated to +180 C for a period of 25 minutes.
  4. Remove the finished biscuit layer from the oven, place on a flat dish and cool. Cut the cooled biscuit into two equal layers.

Soufflé layer:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. Combine the yolks with milk, stir until smooth.
  2. Gradually add flour into the resulting liquid while constantly stirring and stir without lumps.
  3. Place the container with such a liquid dough in a water bath and heat until it thickens, then remove from the heat and cool.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin over low heat until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Beat fresh chilled egg whites with a mixer, add a pinch of salt, add dissolved gelatin and yolks. Mix everything until smooth, place in a flat pan, similar in size to a sponge cake, and place in the refrigerator to harden.
  6. While the soufflé is hardening, prepare the chocolate glaze: mix 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 30 grams of instant gelatin in a small saucepan, mix the dry ingredients, gradually pour in 1 glass of milk while stirring, stir without lumps and heat until dissolved gelatin granules.
  7. After the soufflé has hardened, form the Bird's Milk cake. The bottom layer is the first cake layer, a layer of soufflé is placed on it, and the top layer is the second layer of sponge cake, which is coated with an even layer of chocolate glaze.
  8. Cool the finished Bird's Milk cake in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours and can be served as a dessert dish.

Such a delicious cake can be decorated with fresh berries, white chocolate shavings, caramel nuts, you can use cottage cheese, cream and other products according to your preference and taste.

The generally accepted opinion that sweets are generally harmful has not been canceled, but moderate consumption can bring certain benefits. And Bird's Milk candies are rich in protein, they contain vitamins, fats, microelements, coumarin (helps reduce blood clotting and reduces the risk of blood clots). It is advisable to include them in reasonable doses in the menu for physically weakened people. And do not forget about their high calorie content for people prone to obesity.

19.09.2012 01:59

Bird's milk cake - general principles and methods of preparation

Old-timers of the former Soviet Union remember this tradition very well - bringing from the capital of the Motherland a delicacy that was in short supply and in great demand at that time - the Bird's Milk cake. It was impossible to “catch” it in grocery stores, as the saying goes, “by day with fire.” The queues behind him on New and Stary Arbat were such that they blocked traffic, and police had to turn them around. And all because the cake, patented by Vladimir Guralnik (chef of the Prague restaurant), was produced in strictly limited quantities, since it was prepared from perishable products.

Of course, this can be seen as an excuse, because now it is sold in stores completely without a queue. But why do we need a store-bought cake if there are many homemade recipes? According to its technology, it is simply created to be prepared in the home kitchen. In most recipes, "Bird's milk" is made from beaten eggs, similar to candies with a semi-airy mashmallow filling, known since the 30s of the last century. Poland was the first to produce them under the name ptasie mleczko. The Bird's Milk cake has a special technology. At the very bottom there should be a layer of baking, but not shortbread or biscuit dough.

The inventors experimented for a long time and came to the conclusion that the best base would be a cake-like dough. As for the soufflé, they also did not arrive at the classic look right away. It was made not with gelatin, but using agar-agar, which does not coagulate at a temperature of 117 degrees. With the scarce exotic additive, the cake becomes tender and melts in your mouth. In homemade recipes, you can get by with gelatin and egg whites, the main thing is to get an airy soufflé. With the help of modern mixers and blenders, you can beat various mixtures until the creamy mass really becomes the same as in bird's milk.

Bird's milk cake - food preparation

In any version of preparing the cake, we will need a certain amount of eggs, milk, cream, butter. Almost all recipes use gelatin - animal glue. It is obtained by digestion from fat-free cartilage or veins. This is why the meat “jellied meat” hardens on its own, due to the natural presence of gelatin in the meat broth. Culinary gelatin is plates or leaves that swell well in warm water (their thickness is only 2-3 mm). To quickly dissolve gelatin, you need to carefully increase the temperature to 45 degrees, stirring the solution.

Bird's milk cake - the best recipes

Recipe 1. Classic bird's milk with egg soufflé

By the way, Bird's milk has very few calories. This recipe, despite its festive appearance and curvy shape, contains virtually no cream. Making this cake is much easier than it might seem at first glance. See for yourself.


Biscuit: 4 eggs; flour (1 cup), sugar.
Soufflé: eggs (10 pcs), milk (1 cup), sugar (1 ½ cups), gelatin (bag), butter (200 grams), flour (1 spoon).

Cooking method

Pour gelatin into a glass of cold water. We are preparing a biscuit. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour and mix well. Line a greased pan with parchment, pour in the batter and bake for 30 minutes or less. We check readiness with a torch.

Soufflé: separate the yolks from the whites and grind them with half the prepared sugar, add milk, mix with flour and place in a water bath to thicken. Cool the mixture and add soft butter into it, beat with a mixer. Dissolve gelatin completely in water and stir until lumps disappear. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until fluffy, adding a pinch of salt. Add the second part of sugar and beat. Add gelatin and continue beating. Mix both masses and place in the refrigerator until thickened. Cut the finished chilled biscuit lengthwise into two parts. Place the lower part on the bottom of the mold, place the resulting soufflé on top, and cover with the second part of the cake. Decorate the top with melted chocolate.

Did you have to tinker? But what a result! Real homemade Bird's Milk cake is an affordable, no longer scarce delicacy.

Recipe 2. Bird's milk with semolina soufflé

There is a little secret to prevent semolina from being felt in the cream. You will definitely want to make it again if you try it at least once.

Ingredients: margarine (creamy, 100 g), vanillin, eggs (3 pcs), soda, slaked with vinegar, sugar (1 glass), cocoa (2 tablespoons), flour (1 glass).

Cream: butter (butter, 300 grams), vanillin, milk (2 tbsp), sugar (1 cup).

Glaze: milk and sugar 4 tablespoons each, half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method

Mix cocoa with sugar and vanilla, add margarine, water and put on low heat. It is necessary to ensure that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add three eggs one at a time into the cooled mixture and mix thoroughly. Separately, mix the flour with slaked soda and add to the previous mass. Bake in the oven.

And here is the promised secret: grind the semolina in a coffee grinder until you get flour. Now no one will ever guess what the cream is made of. Boil semolina in milk until thickened. Separately, beat the butter and sugar, add vanillin and pour into the porridge. Stir thoroughly. Place the cake in a round pan with a side. Spread the resulting cream on top and place in the refrigerator until completely thickened.

Mix sugar with cocoa, add milk and bring to a boil, stirring. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter. Cool and pour over the cake. Let the cake harden completely.

Recipe 3: Bird's milk cake with curd soufflé

Ingredients: cottage cheese (300 grams), gelatin (30-40 grams), sour cream (400-450 grams), milk (1 glass), cocoa (4 tablespoons), sugar (1 glass), sugar (4 tablespoons ).

Cooking method

We will form the cake from two parts - chocolate color and white. To prepare the chocolate layer, add water and leave to swell. Add 4 tablespoons of gelatin mixed with cocoa and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Pour into the mold and leave to infuse for 25-35 minutes. White layer: pour gelatin with milk and let it dissolve. We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, get a paste-like mixture, mix with sour cream, add cream, a glass of sugar. Beat the resulting paste until thick. Heat the gelatin and milk, mix with the milk mass with a mixer, cool (10-15 minutes). Pour into the mold on top of the first layer and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

As a rule, the top of the cake is covered with chocolate icing. For a holiday or anniversary, you can make any drawings or inscriptions using the glaze. To do this, put powdered sugar in a paper envelope and sprinkle it on the cake in the form of an ornament or letters.

This tip is borrowed from a similar recipe for bird's milk sweets. To make the filling with a more pronounced taste, gelatin can be soaked in fruit juice or compote. Concentrated milk, whipped with a mixer into thick foam, is used as filling.

Step-by-step preparation:

Pastry semi-finished product:

  1. Cream butter and sugar.
  2. Add eggs and flour to the creamy mixture. Knead the dough. Its consistency will be viscous.
  3. Using a spatula, spread the dough onto a baking sheet into a round shape and bake at 200°C for 10 minutes. There should be 2 cakes.
  1. Beat softened butter at room temperature with a mixer or blender with condensed milk and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Soak agar-agar for 3 hours in 140 g of water. When it dissolves, boil, cook for 1 minute and add sugar. Boil the syrup until it reaches the consistency of a soft ball.
  3. Beat the egg whites with citric acid until stiff peaks form and pour into the syrup.
  4. Whisk the syrup.
  5. Add vanilla extract and a mixture of condensed milk and butter to the protein mass. Mix everything with a mixer.
Shaping the cake and icing:
  1. Place the crust in the pan and pour in half of the soufflé. Place the second cake layer and pour the soufflé again. Do everything quickly, since the soufflé with agar-agar hardens instantly.
  2. Place the cake in the refrigerator.
  3. When the soufflé has set, cover the cake with frosting. Melt the chocolate, mix with butter and pour over the product.

Do you want to prepare classic “bird's milk” according to GOST and enjoy its excellent taste? Then we offer a recipe for a product that was prepared by every Soviet confectionery factory.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 150 g
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vanilla (extract) - 5 drops
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Whites - from 2 eggs
  • Agar-agar - 30 g
  • Granulated sugar - 450 g
  • Butter - 220 g
  • Lemon - 1/6 tsp.
  • Condensed milk - half a can
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp.
  • Black chocolate - 100 g
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Combine softened butter with sugar and beat with a mixer.
  2. Gradually add eggs, vanillin to the butter mixture and continue whisking until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add flour into the existing mixture in small portions, knead the dough and divide it into 2 equal parts.
  4. Place the dough on the round bottom of the mold and bake at 230°C. Baking time for cakes is no more than 7-10 minutes.
  1. Soak agar-agar in 150 ml of water for 4 hours. After that, bring it to a boil over heat, add sugar and cook for 1 minute. Boil the broth again, and when the syrup decreases in volume and white foam appears, remove the mixture from the heat. The syrup should stretch like a thread. Leave it to cool to 80°C.
  2. Beat butter and condensed milk (room temperature) into cream and add vanilla.
  3. Beat the egg whites with a mixer. Add condensed butter cream, agar-agar and beat with a mixer.
  1. Dissolve the chocolate with butter in a steam bath. Do not bring to a boil.
Cake assembly:
  1. Place the first cake layer in a rimmed mold and pour in some of the soufflé. Repeat the same procedure.
  2. Send the cake to harden in the refrigerator.
  3. When the soufflé has hardened, cover the cake with the prepared icing and place the product back in the refrigerator.

Since agar-agar cannot be found in all stores, and it is not particularly cheap, but you want to make a delicious cake, we have attached a recipe for a product with semolina. The cream for this delicacy will be made from semolina, and not from an expensive exotic product. At the same time, “bird's milk” will taste just as tender and tasty.


  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Semolina - 4.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 500 ml (for cream), 3 tbsp. (in glaze)
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. (in cream), 3 tbsp. (for glaze)
  • Butter - 300 g (for cream), 50 g (for glaze)
  • Cocoa - 3.5 tbsp. (for glaze)
  1. Boil milk and add semolina. Cook the semolina porridge, stirring continuously until it thickens. At the end of cooking, add sugar. Stir well until completely dissolved.
  2. Cool the porridge, add softened butter and beat the mixture with a mixer until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. Pour in condensed milk in small portions, continuing to beat with the mixer.
  4. Pour the cream into a mold with high removable sides and send it to cool in the refrigerator.
  5. When the soufflé has hardened, remove it from the mold, place it on a plate and pour over the chocolate glaze.
  6. To prepare the glaze, heat all ingredients over medium heat, but do not let the mixture boil.
  7. Place the cake back in the refrigerator to harden.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with another option for preparing the most famous dessert since our childhood. But for variety, we will make bird’s milk not the classic white color, but pink.



  • Wheat flour - 80 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Softened butter - 55 g
  • Yolks - 3 eggs
  • Baking powder or baking soda - 1 tsp.
  • Squirrels - 6 pcs.
  • Beet juice - 250 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g
  • Agar-agar - 5 tsp.
  • Softened butter - 220 g
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Condensed milk - 150 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Dark chocolate (70%) - 110 g
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Beat soft butter with vanilla and sugar with a mixer. When the mixture lightens, add one yolk at a time, continuing to beat it.
  2. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to the cream mixture. Knead the dough and leave to rest for half an hour.
  3. Using a pencil, draw a circle with a diameter of 22 cm on baking paper. Turn the sheet with ink over and apply the dough with a spatula, forming it into a round cake.
  4. Bake the cake at 210°C for 8 minutes until lightly browned.
  5. Remove the finished cake from the paper while it is hot and cool.
  1. Beat softened butter with condensed milk at room temperature with a mixer until fluffy white mass.
  2. Pour beet juice over agar-agar and over medium heat, stirring constantly, dissolve it completely. It should turn from a cloudy liquid into a clear one.
  3. Add sugar to agar-agar and stir until it dissolves. Do not let the liquid boil. Heat the mass to 112°C so that it has a stretchy texture. And a minute after boiling, pour in lemon juice.
  4. Whisk the egg whites and salt into a stiff foam, and without stopping whisking, add the hot beet syrup in a thin stream. Bring the mixture to a thick consistency.
  5. Add beet syrup to the whipped butter mass and mix well with a spoon. The mass should be thick. Act quickly without delay, about 2 minutes, because The agar hardens quickly.
  1. Place the biscuit in a mold with removable sides and pour the soufflé on top. Level the surface and place the cake in the refrigerator.
  2. Prepare the glaze. Combine chocolate with butter and heat in a water bath.
  3. Place the cake on a plate and pour chocolate over it.

A no-bake cake is a real find for those who don’t like to spend a lot of time preparing sweet treats. The taste of bird's milk is delicate and simply melts on the tongue.


  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Gelatin - 3 g
  • Chocolate - 100 g
  • Prunes - 200 g
  • Cookies - 100 g
  1. Grind the cookies with prunes in a blender and compact them in a mold. Place the cake in the refrigerator.
  2. Dilute gelatin with water according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Beat the egg whites with lemon juice into a stable foam.
  4. Beat butter with condensed milk until smooth.
  5. Mix egg whites, butter mixture and gelatin.
  6. Place the soufflé on the crust and place in the refrigerator.
  7. Melt the chocolate and butter (do not boil) and pour over the frozen cake.
Video recipes:

Hello, my dear girls and boys!

The long-awaited X-hour has come. Today I’ll tell you how I made Bird’s Milk cake at home. True, it was a long time ago, but I hope I remember all the nuances.

The recipe is actually very simple and quick.

If you have ever made marshmallows, then you will understand that the essence here is the same, only with the addition of sponge cake and chocolate glaze.

And since you've been waiting for this recipe for so long, let's get started right away.

Let me just say that Bird's Milk was and remains my favorite cake. Although, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it seems that I did not try to try store-bought Bird's milk and waited a long time for agar-agar to appear on the public market in order to prepare it myself. A few years ago my dream came true! According to this recipe, the cake turns out exactly like the GOST bird's milk of our esteemed grandfather Guralnik.

Bird's milk recipe at home

For the cakes:

  • butter, softened - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • eggs, room temperature - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 150 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

For the soufflé:

  • butter, softened - 150 gr.
  • condensed milk - 70 gr.
  • egg whites, room temperature - 200 gr. (≈6 pcs.)
  • citric acid or salt - 1 pinch
  • sugar - 400 gr.
  • water - 140 gr.
  • agar-agar - 8 gr.
  • lemon juice - a few drops

For chocolate glaze:

  • dark chocolate – 75 g
  • butter - 50 gr.

* for a mold with a diameter of 26 cm

First of all, let's prepare the cakes

They are prepared in a similar way to cake dough.

  1. Preheat the oven to 210ºC.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy.
  3. Continuing to beat, add eggs one at a time until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Mix the flour with baking powder and pour into the butter mixture, stir briefly with a spatula until the components combine. The dough turns out thick and sticky.
  5. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts and place on 2 sheets of cling film, wrap and form 2 balls directly in the film.
  6. Then, on 2 sheets of parchment, outline with a pencil the form in which we will prepare the cake in order to bake cakes corresponding to the size of the form.
  7. We transfer the dough to the center of the circle so that it is between the parchment and the film.
  8. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a circle of the required size on top of the film and adjust it with your hands to fit the drawn rim.
  9. Remove the film, transfer the cake to a baking sheet and bake for 6-7 minutes, until lightly browned.
  10. While the first cake is baking, prepare the second one and bake it too.

    I suggest trimming the uneven edges of the sponge cake and making them slightly smaller than the size of the mold, so that in the finished cake the dough does not “peek out” from behind the soufflé.

While the cakes are cooling, let's start the soufflé.

  1. In a deep saucepan, pour agar-agar with cold water (140 g) and leave to swell for several hours.
  2. Line a detachable baking pan with a sheet of parchment (so that later it is convenient to drag the cake onto a plate), grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar, shake off the remaining powder.
  3. Place one cake layer on the bottom of the pan and set aside. We keep the second one ready.
  4. Beat the soft butter with a mixer until it becomes fluffy and white (10 minutes).
  5. Continuing to beat, add condensed milk, adding 1 spoon at a time and thoroughly working with the mixer after each serving.
  6. Place the whites in a planetary or stand mixer, add a pinch of citric acid or salt and start beating at medium speed.
  7. Immediately after starting to beat the whites, put the saucepan with agar-agar on moderate heat and, with constant stirring, bring the mixture with a spoon until the agar-agar is completely dissolved.
  8. Increase the speed of the mixer with the whites to maximum.

    Here everything needs to be done quickly while the egg whites are being beaten, because the syrup and meringue must be ready at the same time.
    If the whites whip into a stable meringue before the syrup is cooked, reduce the mixer speed to medium speed.

  9. Add sugar to a saucepan with agar-agar and, stirring gently, bring to a boil: as soon as the sugar dissolves and before the syrup boils, take a glass of water and use a brush to wash off the sugar crystals from the walls of the saucepan.
  10. After boiling, stop stirring and bring the syrup to 108−110ºС. Before the syrup reaches the desired temperature, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  11. Without ceasing to beat the whites at medium speed, immediately pour the syrup in a thin stream between the whisk and the mixer bowl.
  12. Beat for 1-2 minutes and when the soufflé has significantly increased in volume, add an emulsion of butter and condensed milk, adding one spoon at a time.

    You can’t sit here too long, because as soon as the soufflé cools to a temperature of 40ºC, the agar-agar will harden.

  13. After introducing the oil emulsion, the soufflé will become more liquid. Beat for another 1-2 minutes at medium speed.
  14. Immediately pour half of the soufflé into the prepared pan, place the second cake layer on top and pour in the other half of the soufflé.
  15. Place the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour to allow the soufflé to set.

Let's do the glaze ourselves

  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the chopped chocolate and butter while constantly stirring with a spatula.
  2. Immediately pour the resulting glaze into Bird's milk and spread it with a spatula over the entire surface.
  3. Return the cake to the refrigerator for a maximum of another 30 minutes to allow the glaze to set slightly.
  4. Very slowly and carefully (otherwise the soufflé may crack), we move the sides of the mold apart, remove and put the cake back in the refrigerator until it is completely fixed. 30 minutes will be enough.
  5. I made the inscription with melted white chocolate.

So, thanks to your efforts, another iconic Soviet cake, Bird's Milk, appeared on our blog.

The recipe is complicated only at first glance. And this is because of the many nuances with preparing the soufflé. In fact, everything is done very quickly.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments. We'll decide together.

I kiss everyone.

Good luck, love and patience.

Bird's Milk cake is a light, delicate and airy dessert created by the confectioners of the Prague restaurant in 1980. Interestingly, this is the very first patented Soviet cake for which a copyright certificate was received. Eyewitnesses say that when it was sold in a confectionery shop on Arbat, there was a long line, almost like a mausoleum. For a long time, the method of preparing the cake was kept secret, but soon housewives invented their own recipe for Bird's Milk cake, which can be prepared at home. This recipe cannot be called simple, but a homemade delicacy is much tastier than a factory-made one - tested from personal experience! All that remains is to figure out how to make “Bird's Milk” yourself so that it turns out no worse than in “Prague”!

“Bird's milk” according to GOST and without GOST

This dessert is prepared on the basis of a delicate sponge cake, a soufflé of whipped egg whites and chocolate glaze. A standard sponge cake is made simply - from sugar, eggs and flour, but with cream you will have to work hard. To prepare it you will need egg yolks, sugar, milk, gelatin, butter, whipped whites, flour, semolina or crackers. In some recipes, gelatin is replaced with agar-agar or starch. For the chocolate glaze you will need milk, cocoa, butter and sugar. Sometimes berries, lemon, fruits and nuts are added to the cake. The cooking principle is not complicated: the cakes are baked, layered with cream and filled with glaze, after which the dessert remains in the refrigerator until the cream hardens. If you add cocoa to the biscuit dough, the cut of the cake will resemble a zebra!

How to make Bird's Milk cake: secrets and tricks

Sift the flour before kneading the dough so that it is enriched with oxygen and the sponge cake turns out fluffy and tender. Some housewives sift the flour twice, because the more magnificent the baked goods, the better! When working with gelatin, never bring it to a boil, otherwise its gelling properties will disappear and the soufflé will not harden. If you soak gelatin in juice or compote, the taste of the cake will be brighter and more unusual. In addition to the soufflé and glaze, you can additionally prepare butter cream and decorate the top cake with it - it will turn out tastier and more interesting.

There is another valuable piece of advice from experienced confectioners - if you separate the whites from the yolks the day before preparing the cake and cool well, the whites will whip faster and easier, and the soufflé will delight you with its lightness and delicate texture. For juiciness and piquancy, the cakes can be soaked in sweet syrup or aromatic alcohol, and then covered with soufflé.

“Bird's milk” is a special cake, during the preparation of which it is necessary to observe the correct proportions of ingredients, otherwise it may not turn out. The concept of “by eye” does not work here!

Cake “Bird's milk”, recipe with photos step by step

We talked about theory, now it's time for practice. The recipe according to GOST is perfect for the first experiment, and even the most capricious sweet tooth will like the result!

1. Beat 4 eggs and 200 g sugar for 10 minutes.

2. Add 160 g of flour and stir the dough until smooth.

3. Grease the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with flour or semolina, pour in the dough and bake the sponge cake until done, which is checked with a match. A match immersed in the cake should remain dry. On average, one cake is baked in 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200°C (use your own oven and its temperature).

4. Cut the slightly cooled sponge cake into two thin layers.

5. Pour 40 g of gelatin with 150 ml of warm water.

6. Mix 10 chilled yolks with 200 g of sugar and beat them with a mixer until they turn into a white fluffy mass.

7. Pour 200 ml of milk into the yolks and place the saucepan in a water bath.

8. Heat the milk-egg mixture until it doubles in volume and bubbles appear on the surface. Cool the cream.

9. Beat 300 g of soft butter with a mixer and gradually add the custard mixture of milk and yolks to it, one tablespoon at a time.

10. Heat the gelatin in a water bath until it becomes transparent and cool.

11. Beat 10 egg whites with a mixer until fluffy, gradually adding sugar until you get a meringue.

12. Pour the protein mass into the gelatin in parts, continuing to beat.

13. Place the cake in the mold, place the cream on top and cover with the second cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

14. Prepare glaze from 3 tbsp. l. milk, 100 g sugar, 5 tbsp. l. cocoa and a pinch of vanillin. Mix the ingredients and heat the glaze in a water bath until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cover the cake with chocolate glaze, put on some tea and invite your guests!

Bird's milk with semolina porridge

Despite the fact that many people do not like semolina porridge, this recipe has already been appreciated by many gourmets, and besides, the semolina porridge is practically not felt in this cake.

For the sponge cake, mix 150 g of melted butter with 200 g of sugar, mash well and beat with a mixer with 3 eggs. Now put out 1 tsp. Pour soda with a couple of spoons of water mixed with vinegar into the sugar and eggs, add 160 g of flour and stir well. The dough is ready! Divide it in half, add 3 tsp to one part. cocoa, stir well again and bake two cake layers in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Baking time for one cake is 20 minutes at 200°C. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream.

Cook semolina porridge from 400 ml of milk and 3 tbsp. l. semolina, let it stand, and at this time, grate half a lemon and add to the semolina. Grind 300 g of soft butter and 100 g of sugar well, and then mix with semolina porridge. Beat the cream with a mixer for greater tenderness and airiness.

For the glaze, combine 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, 3 tbsp. l. sugar and heat over the fire in a saucepan. As soon as the mixture boils, add 1 tbsp. l. butter, bring to a boil again and let the glaze thicken.

Cut the cooled cake layers in half again, and then assemble the cake, alternating dark and light biscuits, coating each cake with cream. There is no need to cover the top cake with cream - just pour glaze over it and keep it in the cold for several hours. Top with crushed peanuts.

Semolina porridge perfectly replaces soufflé and gives the dessert a pleasant creamy taste and aroma.

Bird's milk with ice cream

This cake is easier to prepare than the classic “Bird's Milk”, but it turns out no less tasty - and all because of the ice cream, which turns any dessert into a real delicacy. The taste depends on the type of ice cream, so you can endlessly experiment with this recipe.

So, mix 300 g of any ice cream and 180 g of melted butter, then slightly heat the mixture over the fire until it becomes homogeneous. Add 550 g of dry cream, mix everything thoroughly and put the cream in the refrigerator - the longer it sits there, the tastier the cake will be.

For the sponge cake, beat 200 g of soft butter and 200 g of sugar, and then beat in 4 eggs and a few drops of vanilla extract, one at a time. Gradually add 280 g of flour mixed with 1 tsp. baking powder, and knead a homogeneous and smooth dough. Bake the sponge cake in a greased pan at 170°C for about 45 minutes.

While the cake is baking and cooling, soak 45 g of gelatin in a small amount of hot water, stir and cool. Pour the slightly cooled but still warm gelatin into the buttercream and mix well.

Now place the sponge cake in the mold, cover it with soufflé cream and pour over the chocolate glaze. To do this, heat 200 g of chocolate, 55 g of butter and 50 ml of cognac in a steam bath, pour the mixture onto the cake, decorate it with marshmallows and chocolate shavings and put it in the refrigerator.

If you are preparing a cake for children, replace the cognac with sweet fruit syrup - it will be no less tasty!

“Bird's milk” with condensed milk and chocolate

This cake is lighter and healthier because it uses agar-agar, obtained from brown and red seaweed, instead of gelatin. Agar has excellent gelling properties and an airy texture.

Take 4 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, brew 300 ml of green tea with jasmine, sweetening it with 100 g of sugar. Beat 4 yolks with 350 g of sugar and a pinch of vanilla until fluffy, then add 50 g of flour and beat again. Grease the mold with oil, place the dough and bake the sponge cake for 20 minutes at 190°C.

It's time to make the soufflé. Soak 5 g of agar-agar in 200 ml of jasmine tea for about half an hour, while whisking ¾ cans of condensed milk and 180 g of soft butter into a smooth cream. Bring the tea infusion with agar to a boil and cook for several minutes.

Beat 4 egg whites with 1 tsp. chopped lemon zest and, without stopping whisking, pour in the jasmine syrup with agar. Mix the resulting mass with butter cream.

Place the soufflé on the sponge cake and refrigerate for half an hour. Melt 100 g of milk chocolate in a water bath and pour over the dessert. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight and have a feast!

On our website you will find recipes for “Bird's Milk” at home, photos of which will inspire you to culinary exploits. Enjoy delicious recipes, treat your loved ones and enjoy life!