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How to get a lot of money in GTA 5. Diplomats with money in GTA V. Time trials

Even before the game is released, money will be very important in it. This turned out to be the case when we were given great opportunities both to earn dollars and to spend them.

Ways make money in GTA 5, perhaps a little more (and they are quite obvious) than those listed below, but in this article we have collected the easiest, most interesting and popular ones.

Advice: At the beginning of the game you have very little cash, so it's better not to spend it on cars and weapons. But if you still decide, then it’s better to spend money on weapons than on cars, since the choice is more meager.

1. Collectibles.

Chop, if trained, is excellent at searching for collectibles. Use his sense of smell!

You can find the treasure once with each character, so don't forget to return to the treasured spot with the other two.

2. Robberies.

Probably the easiest and most obvious way to get money in GTA 5 during story missions. However, do not forget to hire good accomplices and spare no expense, otherwise things may not go at all as you planned.

3. Gop-stop.

As in previous parts of the Grand Theft Auto series, in “five” you can beat and kill passers-by, picking up their money. But be careful - in poor areas, peds have less money (or no money at all) than people in rich ones.

Spot an ATM and stand next to it. It is better to buy peds after visiting this place and withdrawing cash.
4. Investing in shares.

There are two exchanges in GTA 5, called . You can use them to buy shares and then sell them again, making money on the difference in rates.

5. Robbery of armored vans and cash-in-transit vehicles.

If there is such an opportunity, then robbing an armored van is a very profitable business. All you have to do is stop him and shoot at the doors in the back until they open and you can take out the entire contents, often amounting to more than $5,000.

6. Robbery of stores.

It's very simple and works for almost all shops in GTA 5. Just enter and aim at the seller. He will start putting cash into the bag.

Before this, you can calculate your escape route and park your car at the entrance, with the door open. If there are two sellers in the store, then kill the second one, this will bring more money into your pocket. But be careful that passers-by don't hear the shots.

7. Buying a business.

9. Weird people and other strangers.

Marked with a "?" on the map. Completing their tasks also brings good dividends.

10. Winning races.

There are dozens of races, on a variety of vehicles, and if you win, you make a profit. For example, . Especially worth noting is the street race with a prize of $6,750. However, it is worth noting that to participate in such races, you yourself first need to pay a membership fee.

11. Tricks.

Take two characters and go here:

One of the GTA 5 hidden packages is hidden here. Send one character to the bottom of the ocean, as soon as he grabs the cash, switch to the second one and do the same. Each time you switch, the characters' oxygen supply will be restored, and a bag of cash will appear again and again.

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Every GTA 5 player sooner or later wonders how to make a lot of money. And this is really relevant, because with each mission new interesting things appear in stores, the price of which often exceeds a thousand dollars. Of course, you can complete story missions and get decent money for them, but this requires a lot of time and effort. How can you still earn extra money in a short period of time?

Ways to get money in the game

You can’t live without money, even in such a cult computer game. But fortunately, there are more than enough methods of earning money, both legal and non-legal. You can simply go through the game by completing tasks for certain characters, or you can work for yourself by completing tasks from. There are other options to make some quick money by participating in all sorts of hacks, which will be discussed further.

Rob everything that moves

Yes, you heard right. Experienced users know that the GTA series of games is built on robbery and murder. Fortunately, you can also earn extra money from this if you try hard enough. You kill people passing by and take their money. The main thing is not to run into police officers who appear in the game. By the way, you can also find a small amount of money at crime scenes.

Certainly, the profit from these small robberies is not very large, but if you do this several times, it will be enough for a decent gun. Well, having good weapons in your arsenal, you can switch to more interesting things.

Cash collectors

There is also the opportunity to rob a cash-in-transit van. This method will bring from 6 thousand dollars at a time, which is very good. And you don’t really need to bother with the plan - he demolished the doors, killed the drivers and took the proceeds. However, all this will have to be done as quickly as possible, because... if you don't make it in time before the police arrive, they will simply kill your character.

Store robberies

Another good way to make money in GTA 5 is by robbing stores. You just point the gun at the cashier and he himself puts the money on the table. If you want him to speed up, break a few windows or shoot in the air - things will go faster. But don't forget about the police, who may appear at the store any minute.

How to make money on stock exchanges in GTA 5

Just like in real life, in Grand Theft Auto 5 you can buy shares and earn income from them. The secret is that after some missions it is much more cost effective. How to make money on the stock exchange:

  • If you purchase FRUIT shares after the mission "Murder - Panel", they will bring you 55% of the original cost;
  • BettaPharmaceuticals shares will be worth more after the mission "Murders - Hotel";
  • Redwood shares are a very good buy because... after the mission "Murder - 4 targets" they will bring you 300% profit;
  • And, of course, don’t forget about Debonaire shares. After the same mission they will give you 90%.

Merryweather shares are also worth buying. If after the main storyline you invest 30 million in this company, after some time it will turn into 36 million. We must not forget that you can invest money in all three characters at once.

Many users, despite the huge number of missions, prefer to enter codes to quickly get money. The developers tried to make equal opportunities for all players, so When you enter any code into the console, all achievements are reset. Fortunately, you can always start the game from your last save.

To open the console in Grand Theft Auto V, you need to press the tilde or "~". For those for whom this key does not work, the developers have made it possible to enter the code from their phone.

As for the code for money, it does not officially exist. Perhaps the studio felt that this way the game would be better perceived by users. But you can download the trainer and get money through it.

31-03-2017, 22:20

Now we will show you how to easily make money in GTA Online.

We have collected all the main ways to make money in GTA Online and described them in detail in this article.

Since the release of Grand Theft Auto 5, the value and quantity of vehicles, weapons, clothing, and other cool stuff for sale in GTA Online, the game's multiplayer component, has increased significantly. But the amount of money that can be earned has also increased.
Whether these two factors increased at the same rate is another matter, but in this article I have compiled the best ways to make money (legally) in GTA Online to help players understand what has been unclear and little discussed.

There are many methods of making money in the game that are not listed here, such as racing, deathmatches, missions, and various other game patterns. But the amount of money you get paid for your time hasn't increased since 2013, so they're relatively ineffective.
New players will probably find them convenient at first, and eventually, if you enjoy what you're playing, the money will follow. However, this article will outline the different and most effective ways to make as much money as possible.

It should be noted that everything that is said below is exclusively about money. Don't be afraid to combine and do what you like best. While the most money per hour can be earned by having a Gunrunning bunker or making cocaine as a side hustle, completing the Vehicle Cargo mission and doing the VIP job (if the player is alone) or the Pacific Standard heist (if you have a competent enough team) - you may get tired of doing one and the same thing all the time. The absolute maximum you can ever earn from completing missions is $500K per hour anyway, and while that seems like a lot, you'll still need 600 hours of work at this level to afford all the transport there is in game (as I found out on my YouTube channel here).

When it becomes a chore done for money, when it feels more like work than play, or you're not enjoying the fruits of your labor, it's time to take a break from making money and play other games for fun. Although you can ignore this question, because below you will find the best ways to make money in GTA Online.

Keep an eye out for double value promotions. Rockstar changes what you can do to earn double almost every week. Sometimes it will be a race or competition, and even with double the amount, it won't be as effective as the methods I've listed here.

However, sometimes these methods will have double price weeks, such as the Gunrunning or Vehicle Cargo bunker sales. The more options available to you, the more you can take advantage of double money promotions when they become profitable. And if you get double money for robberies (which happens very rarely) it is absolutely worth doing it in such a week.

Potential profit: $400K per hour

The necessary conditions: expensive apartment (minimum cost: $200K) and 3 friends

Methodology: Go to the heist planning room in your expensive apartment and select a heist to begin. You will need to pay an advance to start the heist as an organizer. Invite three friends and work through the mission from organization to the finale.
Discussing everything in a good group of four is recommended, a skill is also required to help reduce the time spent, and there are plenty of tutorial videos for each mission.

Advice: The Pacific Standard Heist on the Hard mod will yield the most profit per hour than other methods of making money in the game if the group of players is competent enough.
The organizer of each heist receives nothing for organizing the mission, and must invest money to get started, so it is correct to take 40% of the earnings, and the other players each receive 20%, so all four players receive approximately the same amount.

Potential profit: $300K per hour

The necessary conditions: premises (minimum cost: $1.25 million) and 1-3 friends

Methodology: Go to the heist planning room on your premises and select a heist to begin. You will need to pay an advance to start the heist as an organizer.
Invite one, two or three friends and discuss with them the preparation for the mission, its execution and the ending. Just like in the old heists, form a group of good players, as skill and communication will be needed to shorten the time of the heist.

Advice: Doing these heists with two instead of four means automatically getting more money per player since the total amount remains the same, but the missions will be a little more difficult and more time consuming with fewer players. The organizer of each heist receives nothing for organizing the mission, and must invest money to get started.
Therefore, it would be correct to take 40% of the earnings (4 players) / 50% (3 players) / 60% (2 players) of the total earnings, and the remaining players divide the remaining amount in equal shares, so all players receive approximately the same amount. It's never worth paying to waste time preparing for a mission; it's not worth it in terms of money or time.

Special Cargo

Potential profit: $200K per hour

The necessary conditions: office (minimum cost: $1 million), warehouse (minimum cost: $250K) and member of the organization (CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in your office and select “Special Cargo”, then “buy” the number of boxes you want. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver the boxes to the warehouse.
You can only carry one box at a time, but you can go back and collect them. You can then use the laptop in the warehouse to sell the collected crates through the delivery mission to make a profit.

Advice: Buying more boxes at a time is more time efficient, especially if you have friends who can help you pack them and deliver them to the warehouse. The more boxes you sell at one time, the more money you'll make per box, so a large, full warehouse will be easier to build and sell. Although larger warehouses cost more and selling 111 boxes at a time is a big risk because you will either make 2.2 million or lose everything.

Potential profit: $300K per hour

The necessary conditions: office (minimum value: $1 million), garage (minimum value: $1.5 million) and member of the organization (CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in the office and select “Vehicle Cargo”, then “Source Vehicle”. To complete the mission, you will need to steal a vehicle and deliver it to the garage.
Be careful when moving vehicles into a garage because accidents will incur repair costs and this will impact your bottom line. You can then use the laptop in the garage to sell the vehicles you stole through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: Repeat the theft until you fill the garage with a standard set of 10 cars and 10 average cars without repeats. At this point, each mission gives you the best vehicle until you collect all 12. Only exporting the best vehicles and selling more vehicles at a time if you have friends to help will help you get the maximum profit per hour.

Potential profit: $150K per hour

The necessary conditions: hangar (minimum cost: $1.2 million) and organization member (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in your hangar and select "Source", then the type of cargo you want to steal. To complete the mission, you will need to deliver the cargo to your hangar. You can then use the laptop in the hangar to sell the cargo you stole through a delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: Choose one type of cargo, let it be either drugs, chemicals, or medical supplies. You will receive a 35% bonus for selling 25 boxes of these types, and 75% for selling 50 boxes. To sell the entire hangar, you will need the help of friends, and in general, this mission can be completed much more efficiently with friends.

Potential profit

The necessary conditions: Bunker (Minimum Value: $1.2 million) and Organization Member (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Go to the computer in the bunker and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all supplies to the bunker if you chose this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you selected "buy". Once you have the raw materials, your employees will begin production, turning them into inventory while you go about your business in the game. You can then use the laptop in the bunker to sell the goods through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: purchasing raw materials will be less time-consuming, as will the work of employees in production and the purchase of equipment/updating staff. This is passive income so you don't have to do it, at the same time you can earn through the active methods listed here. There is no bonus for selling a complete bunker in this mission, and to do this you will need the help of friends if several vehicles are involved in the selling mission.

Potential profit: $80K passive income per hour (you can still mind your own business)

The necessary conditions: Clubhouse (Min Value: $200K), Business (Min Value: $650K) and Motorcycle Club President

Methodology: Start organizing a motorcycle club as president in the corresponding option in the interactive menu. Go to the laptop in your building and select "Resupply" then "Steal Supplies" or "Buy Supplies". To complete the mission, you will need to deliver all supplies to the building if you chose this option, or they will be delivered without any effort if you selected "buy".
Once you have the raw materials, your employees will begin production, turning them into inventory while you go about your business in the game. You can then use the laptop in the building to sell the goods through the delivery mission and make a profit.

Advice: Cocaine production will be the most profitable (as well as arms trading), the cheapest cocaine production business costs $975K, with the sales mission taking more time. Buying raw materials is less time consuming.
This is passive income so you don't have to do it, at the same time you can earn through the active methods listed here. There is no bonus for selling a complete bunker in this mission, and to do this you will need the help of friends if several vehicles are involved in the selling mission.

Potential profit: $150K per hour

The necessary conditions: member of the organization (VIP/CEO)

Methodology: Start an organization as a VIP or CEO in the SecuroServ agency in the interactive menu. Open the interactive menu and select “VIP Work” and then the mission you want to complete. You will be required to complete the mission in free form and you will receive a cash reward upon successful completion.
Advice: These missions are a great way to earn money while waiting for cooldowns to expire, such as when you're waiting for a car at a warehouse. These missions are completed quickly and pay fairly well. They don't replace all other ways of making money since they don't pay as much, but they can exist as a reliable day job. Headhunter, Hostile Takeover and Sightseer are great missions to complete.

Premium racing

Potential profit: $80K per race

The necessary conditions: fast car/motorcycle, good racing ability

Methodology: You can drive to the location marked with the golden wheel on the map where the race is taking place, or hover over it and start directly from the map. When 8 other players register for the race, you will be charged $20K from your bank account. You need to finish in at least third place for this investment to be worthwhile, as the winner gets $100K, second place gets $30K, and third place gets back their $20K investment.

Advice: Premium races change every week and are quite a risky endeavor because it can take a while for players to register and there is no guarantee that you will be able to make money.
If you're a professional racer, are familiar with the races that are on offer that week, and have a good car (if you don't know in advance which car to use for a race, then you're not ready for it) this could be beneficial for you.

Potential profit: $50K per entry

The necessary conditions: fast car/motorcycle

Methodology: You can arrive at the place where the race takes place, which is marked with a purple stopwatch on the map. Start your race when you feel ready and try to reach the finish line faster than the stated time. There are no checkpoints in the race, so you can take any route you want. You will be rewarded with approximately $50K for successful completion.

Advice: races change every week and you can only receive a reward once per week. You have an unlimited number of attempts to arrive faster than the set time, and you can go back to the beginning, but the longer it takes, the less money you can earn per hour using this method. In short, the fastest way to get to your destination is on a fast motorcycle.

Potential profit: $1.6 million in 28 days

The necessary conditions: rank 15

Methodology: Open the interactive menu and select "Daily Objectives". The screen will display three goals that you need to achieve in a day. Simply complete each task and you will be rewarded with $25K for successful completion. Some tasks may be more difficult than others and will require the help of friends to complete them successfully.

Advice: This is the easiest way to make money as long as you stick to it every day because there are very significant bonuses for 7 and 28 days of consecutive tasks completed. Completing tasks for 7 days in a row will earn you a $100K bonus, 28 days in a row will earn you an additional $500K. The total amount of money you can receive for completing goals within 28 days is $1.6 million (28x25K + 4x100K + 500K).

Hello friends! In many games, developers specially make some features with which you can quickly level up: save up money, get endless ammunition for your weapon, and so on. In GTA 5 you can make a lot of money with the help of a small bug without installing any programs or cheats.

Option 1

We find a submarine in the Pacific Ocean with a case with $25,000 lying on it. After it was picked up, we switch to another character. We return again to the character under water and the case with money that we just picked up again lies in the same place. In general, the procedure can be repeated as many times as desired. By the way, there is no need to surface when we switch between players, the air supply is replenished. I quickly earned $500,000 in just a few minutes.

Where to look for a case with money, coordinates on the map:

Case $25,000

Option 2

We find the tail of the plane in the sea and right next to it in the seaweed we find another case for it we get + $12,000. switch again to another character in GTA 5, return to the same place and again pick up the case with money.

coordinates where to look for money:

case with $12,000

If you cannot find a place, put a cross on the map just like on the screenshots, look at the landmarks where to point the cross. I wish you good luck and a lot of money.

Having recently experienced mass bans, she has not exhausted the desire to spend money beautifully and as effectively as possible, experimenting, for example, with bombing. And where to find money for such ordinary things as helicopters, cars, weapons, and, ultimately, clothes?.. Together with Adam Brogue, the author of very useful guides published on PCGamer, we tell you how to earn as much as possible, spend as luxuriously as possible and live quite happily.

We immediately notice: the methods are golden. And these are not daily hotrings, added in March with the Super Series, or endless deathmatches, which are already boring even for beginners, not even cooperative missions, because their price has long been inconsistent with real prices on the market. Without a doubt: veterans know them, so we will present them to players who do not have much experience in the local grind.

Warning: don't forget to do what you enjoy. Over time, the endless grind first eliminates the desire to spend, and then to play, dulling the once warm feelings and reducing any motivation to “No”. We warn the most zealous grinders: in order to acquire all available vehicles (without their modifications), you need to spend more than 600 hours of continuous implementation of all the schemes described below in action.

Double bonus

A trivial, but very useful thing for young businessmen, it makes all modes brighter and their passage more fun. To raise a few extra pennies, you should cling to large events that offer double payment: premium races, series of bunker tasks, time trials. Robberies are considered the most profitable, but they are indecently rare: do not miss the chance if the opportunity arises to double the stolen cash.

The opportunity to double the prize combines well with the following methods, allowing you to collect huge sums of money - you just need to check the bonus modes weekly.


Potential jackpot – 400 thousand dollars per hour. To implement the plan, you will need an elite apartment, the cost of which is more than 200 thousand dollars, a small contribution and three, ready to do everything quickly and without unnecessary noise.

Any luxury apartment has a room where you can choose one of the proposed robbery options. After choosing the desired place and paying the fee, you should get ready: watch guides on YouTube, play around and exhale loudly.

We advise you to take on the robbery Pacific Standard on a difficult difficulty level with adequate partners, at the end of a difficult mission dividing the profit in favor of the host: 40% of the total cache against 20% given to the other three - this will cover the host’s expenses for the initial payment and equally divide the winnings between the fighters.

"Judgment Day"

300 thousand dollars per hour for having an Establishment with the host, which costs 1.25 million (there are nine of them in Los Santos), and a good friend who can tear and throw without much effort.

In the planning room located in the Institution, the owner of the base must pay a rather large fee, invite a friend and get ready to complete additional tasks and, most importantly, the final one, without missing a single one and going all out in a duet. If fulfilled, it is worth dividing the profit by 60-40 in favor of the host to compensate for the contribution.

If suddenly playing in a duo takes a lot of time and effort without paying off in the end, it’s worth inviting a couple more players to form a large team, getting ready to share the potential profit.

Special cargo

This time a little less - 200 thousand dollars per hour for having your own Office (1 million) and Warehouse (250 thousand).

The scheme is simple: go to Services SecuroServ and become the Chief of the organization or the Boss. Next, in the Office, using the computer, we purchase as much Special Cargo as possible and carry out a mission to deliver the boxes to the Warehouse, being careful of other players and police. We gather friends for good work: together it’s more fun, safer, and, most importantly, faster.

Having purchased a large number of boxes and transported them to the Warehouse, it is worth making a wholesale sale and receiving a noticeable benefit.


300 thousand dollars per hour for the presence of an Office and a Car Warehouse (1.5 million).

Being a Chief within SecuroServ, we use the computer in the Office and register the theft, after which we carry out the mission extremely carefully, avoiding damage to the stolen car: you will have to pay a lot for a dented bumper and scratches.

It’s worth filling your warehouse with twenty different standard and middle class models, and then updating the list of available thefts - then each task will allow you to get an elite class car. We advise you to grind on this: if it is stolen, immediately put the car up for sale, inviting friends to speed up production.

Air transportation

150 thousand dollars per hour for the presence of a Hangar (minimum price – 1.2 million).

Being a Chief or Boss in SecuroServ We select air transportation and the type of cargo as delivery of goods. We complete the mission by delivering boxes to the Hangar; Then we sell the cargo wholesale. Adam advises sticking to shipments of one type of product and selling boxes in large stacks, recalling that the bonus for selling 50 boxes will be 75%.

Production in the Bunker

80 thousand dollars per hour for having a Bunker (1.2 million).

The player needs to establish the production of goods in the Bunker, using the local computer for this. As part of the Material Supply, you should select Purchase by clicking on the appropriate item. In this case, production will be completely passive.

The created product is sold using a computer, but unlike fraud with boxes and cars, it does not tolerate hoarding - there is a high risk of losing everything in the event of a raid.

8. Production in the Motor Club

80 thousand dollars per hour for having a Clubhouse ($200 thousand), own business (more than 650 thousand) and presidency of the club.

As the president of the club, the player does everything he did in the Bunker: using the local computer, choosing to purchase materials. Cocaine created in the club is usually more expensive than other goods, but its sale is difficult and therefore takes a long time.

8. Boss Challenges

A good way to spend time in case of waiting for the cooldown of theft or sale, allowing you to earn 150 thousand dollars per hour. True, this requires becoming a Boss, which can be done in the menu SecuroServ.

There you need to select the tab with tests and choose something you like (of course, with a large prize pool). We pay attention to modes such as “Bounty Hunt” and “Heist”. It's fun.

8. Premium racing

Prize money always varies: here the profit and its size are determined by the player’s ability to navigate the track and reach the finish line first, for which he will receive more 100 thousand dollars. Well, or at least second.

To participate in premium races, you should first familiarize yourself with the current regime - it changes every week. Ideally, before the race you should do a little training, study the track and the vehicle offered at the event.

Time trials

Very light 50 thousand dollars for completing a high-speed course with obstacles, but only once a week.

A fast bike will be enough to complete such an event.

Daily quests

With the help of such a simple thing you can earn money 1.6 million per month provided the character has rank 15.

It is enough to complete three tasks every day without interruption. In this case, the character will receive a large bonus for a seven-day streak and additional encouragement for completing tasks within 28 days.

Twelve conditions for becoming a modern multimillionaire are in front of you, but don’t overdo it: spending is much more fun than earning.

You can assemble a professional team to earn mountains of gold right away.