Balcony      02/07/2024

How do the residents of the house or... Residents of the house, which is being demolished because of the Philharmonic, compared its director to Hitler. What you need to know when making decisions

Photo: From the archives of LLC "UK Pervorechensky district"

When renovating an apartment building, the residents' word is law!

Without the knowledge of the owners of residential and non-residential premises, the management company has no right to take a single penny from its current account

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, owners of residential and non-residential premises of apartment buildings must decide for themselves what, when and for what money to put in order around and inside their home. That is, today residents share responsibility with the management company servicing the house. Professionals will always tell you which work needs to be done first, and which can wait. Tatyana Plotnikova, Deputy General Director of the Pervorechensky District Management Company LLC, spoke in an interview with "Upravdom" about what exactly and how can be done with the funds accumulated by the house under the heading "housing repairs", and where to start.

- Tatyana Leonidovna, how does this or that house get into the renovation plan?

To begin, homeowners must choose how to manage their home. After this, the management company or other organization to which people have entrusted the maintenance of their home must conduct a full technical inspection of its structural elements and utility networks - it is necessary to determine the condition of the house. The corresponding document - the Technical Inspection Report - is an appendix to the agreement with the Management Company, or to the documentation of the newly created HOA.

Technical inspection is carried out more than once - individual structural elements must be inspected once or twice a year, and some engineering networks and components - up to three times a month. In addition, seasonal inspections of the condition of the entire housing stock are carried out before and after the heating season. If a more thorough inspection of utility networks and structural elements is required, we order specialized instrumental expertise.

Based on all these studies, we are talking with the owners. The management company is obliged to bring to the attention of residents what work is needed in the house first and what can wait. Then the residents themselves must decide what, when and for what money they will do.

That is, in essence, residents now manage their property themselves. So who should you contact first if you have any problems?

Many people don’t understand this yet. And if suddenly the roof leaks, the sewer system leaks, people start calling the management company, various services, the mayor’s office... This is pointless, you need to immediately go to the person in charge of the house or to the initiative group. Their task is to gather all the residents and, in accordance with their decision, contact the management company.

The elders in the house bear great responsibility, and the larger the house, the higher it is. Imagine, in the first entrance the roof is leaking, in the fifth the facade is freezing, and in the eighth there are no problems, its residents want to landscape the yard. Here the elder in the house will have to look for a compromise. The final decision is made at a general meeting of residents by a majority vote.

But if there are serious problems, you need to set priorities: issues such as repairing the entrance and landscaping the territory are resolved after the main problems: first of all, you need to put in order the facade, roof, sewerage, electrical networks, elevators (if any), engineering equipment.

- What other work can residents demand?

Nowadays repairs are not divided into current, major and “other”. There is one line - “housing repairs”. Within its framework, you can do anything, solve any problems, from freezing of the facade and leaking roof in the area of ​​​​one apartment to one hundred percent repair of the structural elements of the building, as well as replacing elevators in the building and installing a playground in the yard.

But this is very expensive work. What to do if the owners have a desire, but there are no funds to implement it?

It's no secret that the quality and technical condition of our houses is not comparable to the amounts that residents pay monthly for routine repairs. It is rare that a home manages to accumulate money to solve all its problems in a relatively short time.

Source of financing - the most painful question. We have the opportunity to monitor your account at home almost online. Therefore, we always know how much money the house has in its account. And if you know how much money is in your pocket, it’s easier to decide what to buy. When something needs to be done urgently, but there is not enough money in the account, there may be several ways.

1. In addition to the funds in the current account of the house, we can (with the consent of the residents) introduce an additional line in the receipt for certain purposes. In addition to the columns “housing maintenance” and “housing repair”, for example, “raising funds for targeted needs” may appear. In particular, in this way we are solving the issue of installing communal heat meters. If the residents decide that a meter is needed, but there is not enough money, a line appears “to obtain design documentation”, “to obtain technical conditions”, “to install a heat meter”, etc.

2. You can take out a loan from a bank, but residents must understand that they will have to service it. It is important to consider who lives in the house. The newer buildings have younger residents, while the older buildings are mostly inhabited by retirees. Elderly people are not financially secure enough and will not be able to bear the additional expenses.

3. We can also resolve the issue of temporarily borrowing funds from a neighboring house if its residents agree to do so.

4. Repairs at the expense of future payments. Today there are not enough funds on your house, but, for example, by the end of the year you will collect them. If this issue is resolved positively at the general meeting of owners, you bring a protocol to the management company, which states: “we ask you to carry out such and such work against future payments.” In this case, our task is to find a contractor who will begin to carry out repairs, hoping that at the end of a certain period they will pay him in full.

- Are there such contractors?

Certainly! Most of them have serious experience in housing and communal services. They know how the housing stock functions and are confident that they will definitely, if not immediately, get their money. Everything is strict with us - all agreements with contractors are made only through official documents. And without the permission of the owners - the minutes of the meeting - we cannot take a penny from the house account. During repairs, all estimates, namely the scope of work, the cost of materials and the timing of the work, are agreed upon with the residents. The cost of certain services and materials varies greatly; both quality and the manufacturer play a role. But here again, the residents’ word is the law.

The repairs are subject to technical supervision, in which both specialists from the management company and the residents of the house participate: almost every house is inhabited by owners who have an idea of ​​the required quality of the work being performed, and can also check the volume of work being performed. Acceptance of work is carried out only when the final signature of the house manager or the authorized owner is affixed. Of course, the work has a warranty period. In case of problems, contractors will be obliged to eliminate them during operation.

-Who should the initiative come from?

If you don't report your problem yourself, how will we know about it? After all, even after a seasonal inspection of the house, you won’t always see everything. The owners' task is to bring their wishes to our attention. But if you don’t need anything, the money will remain in the account at home and will not go anywhere.

- And if the residents of my house are passive and we don’t have a senior housewife, who should we run to?

If there is no action group in your home, the first step should be to create one. So, in our contract department there are specialists who tell all interested parties about existing legislation, explain how to hold meetings - that is, the whole mechanism that will lead you to solving problems at home, prepare the relevant documents, and sometimes even hold meetings themselves.

Remember - today residents share responsibility with management companies. For our part, we report every year, telling what has been done and for what amount, and what still needs to be done. Residents must also decide for themselves how much money to carry out all this: whether to increase the tariff, whether to participate in the Federal Program for Capital Repairs of Housing, whether to borrow money, and so on.

Unfortunately, many people have such a psychology - if the problem does not concern them, then they don’t care about others. I need to realize: even if I don’t suffer from leaks in the roof, façade, etc. anyway, all this is common property, which means they are the subject of my responsibility and care.

- How many people already treat common property like a business owner?

Yes, and we have constructive cooperation with activists. People carefully and thoughtfully decide what to repair first. They understand: yes, today they want to plant trees around the house, but tomorrow there will be an accident and they will have to eliminate it at their own expense. And everything that is done at your own expense is the subject of careful treatment.

The residents finally realized that the house and yard are their property. And if you don't take care of it, it will lose its market value. Let’s say that today your apartment costs 3 million rubles, if you keep the house clean, timely repair the roof, sewerage, entrance, landscape the yard, strive to make the house and yard cozy, then its value will only increase, and if the owners do not care about the common property, then this immediately affects its value accordingly. Therefore, the task of all residents is to take care of their housing, because most of them have only one. Many have reconsidered their position and taken real responsibility!

Who and why can declare a meeting decision (minutes) invalid? How to avoid this?

Only a court can invalidate a meeting's decision. The owner who did not take part in the meeting or voted against the decision, as well as the state housing control authorities (GZHI), and the prosecutor’s office in the event of identified violations, can file such a claim with the court.

This can be avoided if all the requirements for the procedure for organizing and holding a general meeting established by Art. 44-48 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as requirements for the preparation of meeting documents, including minutes, established by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

To avoid mistakes, it is better to contact specialists for advice and help.

Where to gather?

The place of the meeting is chosen by the initiator; there are no mandatory requirements. It is advisable to rent a hall at a school or in a recreation center, ask local authorities to help with the premises. But if there are no such opportunities, then you can gather in any convenient place - this could be the area in front of the house in good weather, or the hall in the entrance, if it is spacious, or the premises of the management organization, if there is one.

How many owners must participate in the meeting (in person or in absentia) for a quorum to be reached?

In order for a meeting in any form (in person, in absentia, in person-in absentia) to take place, it is necessary that owners with more than 50% of the votes (counted in proportion to their share in the right to common property) of the total number of votes take part (vote) all owners in the house.

The share in the right to common property is, in turn, proportional to the area of ​​the premises owned by the owner. That is, the owner’s vote is “tied” to the area of ​​his premises (apartment, office). Collectively, all owners in the house have 100% of the votes. And if the owners took part in the meeting, the total area of ​​which is more than 50% of the total (that is, which is owned by individuals and legal entities), then the meeting has a quorum.

The authenticity of signatures is not verified, as this is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies.

Therefore, when holding an in-person meeting, registration of meeting participants - owners - is organized. When registering, the participant must provide documents confirming ownership of the premises and identification. This makes it possible to determine the presence of attendance (quorum), as well as check whether the person present is the owner or not.

The same procedure can be organized when accepting ballots for absentee voting, but the law does not require it - sometimes this is not possible.

They say that there should be some kind of minutes of the meeting. Why is it needed, who runs it, and what should be reflected there?

Both the Civil and Housing Codes establish that following the results of a meeting held in any form (in person, in absentia, in absentia), a written protocol is drawn up. It is necessary! The requirements for the preparation of minutes of the meeting are established by the Order of the Ministry of Construction.

A secretary of the meeting is selected to draw up the minutes. The minutes record information about those who took part in the vote, the presence/absence of a quorum of the meeting, the results of the vote count, all decisions made or not made by the general meeting on the agenda items.


Thus, 435 forms of decisions of owners, who own a total of 23,781.03 sq. m., were taken into account. m. of premises, which is 55.72% of the votes of the total number of votes of all owners in the house.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation there is a quorum, which is the basis for recognizing the general meeting as competent to make decisions on issues on the agenda

(In accordance with Part 1 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, decisions on the agenda of this meeting are made by a majority vote (more than 50%) of the total number of votes owners of premises, who took part in this meeting )

On the agenda item: On choosing a method for managing an apartment building at the address:_________________: management of the management organization.


SUGGESTED: Select a method of managing an apartment building at the address: __________________: management of the management organization.

DECIDED (DECIDED) on the agenda item: On choosing a method of managing an apartment building at the address: ________________________: management of the management organization:


And if no one in the building really communicates with anyone, half of the apartments are rented out to tenants, and the people are generally inactive, then how can you gather them all?

Who should participate in the meeting besides the owners?

Other persons (employers, representatives of authorities, management organizations, and other invited persons) may be present and answer questions, but without the right to vote.

As for municipal apartments, which are occupied by residents on social rent, their owner is the state. Therefore, at meetings of owners, for example, in Moscow, it will be present in the person of the Department of City Property (DGI) through its authorized representative - GKU IS (State Treasury Institution "Engineering Service") of a particular district of the capital.

Who can/should initiate the meeting? And where should he start to act?

According to the law, a general meeting can be organized by any owner of the premises in the house (please note that this must be the owner, and not the tenant of the property or a citizen living in the house who does not have property in it).

First of all, the initiator of the meeting needs to determine the range of issues on the agenda with which he wants to come up for discussion at the general meeting. Afterwards, decide on the form (in-person, in absentia, in-person-in-absentia), the date, place of the meeting or the place where votes are collected for absentee voting, the place where you can get acquainted with the documents on the meeting, in other words, generate a message for the owners about the upcoming meeting. After which it is necessary to notify all owners in the house about the upcoming meeting.

The law establishes a notice period of no later than 10 days before the meeting.

Notification is usually given in the manner established at a previously held meeting of owners. If such a decision was not previously made at the meeting of owners, then each owner is sent a registered letter, or the message is delivered personally against signature. The initiator can obtain information about the owners of the house from Rosreestr, of course not for free, but most often there is no other way. You can ask for assistance in obtaining such information from government authorities (for example, the district administration, district government), but most likely they will refuse with reference to personal data.

Therefore, if the owner initiates a meeting, he must be prepared for expenses.

The legislator also established that the authorities (in cases specified by law) or the management organization can initiate a meeting on issues of managing the house.

In what form can the meeting be held? For example, what if people want to express their opinions and vote, but not everyone can physically gather due to various circumstances? How can they be?

Owners who physically cannot gather in one place and at one time have the opportunity to hold a general meeting in absentia. This is provided for by both housing and civil legislation.

In the absentee form, the owner votes on the proposed agenda items in writing, that is, he enters into a certain form proposed by the initiator of the meeting - a voting form (ballot) - the necessary information about himself (provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and the decision he made on each agenda item (or FOR, either AGAINST or ABSTAINED), and transfers the completed voting form (ballot) to the place of their collection, which is also determined by the initiator of the meeting.

Are meetings possible under any form of house management (MC and HOA)?

Yes, according to housing legislation and when managing a house by a management organization and when managing a HOA (housing complex, housing cooperative), all issues referred to by the Housing Code (Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of owners are resolved at it.

But it should be noted that when managing a house, a HOA (residential complex, housing cooperative) also has a governing body for these associations of residents - this is the general meeting of members of the homeowners association (residential complex, housing cooperative). They can resolve issues that are already within their competence by law and the Charter.

The house manager's answer: how to act competently in disputes with the management companyResidents of an apartment building, when choosing a management company and paying for its work on a monthly basis, hope for a conscientious attitude and high-quality provision of services, but mutual understanding is not always achieved. The RIA Real Estate website decided to find out how to behave in the event of a dispute with the management company.

Why do we need meetings of owners at all? What can they decide there and what can’t they decide?

An apartment building is not only a building/structure/structure, but also a community of owners who own not only the apartments in this building, but also a share in the common property, the so-called “common property”. This includes all common areas, technical rooms, stairs, basements, attics, roofs, load-bearing structures, utilities and equipment, elevators and much more, which ensures comfortable and safe living in the house. And this entire economy needs to be managed: it needs to be maintained, maintained, repaired, provided with water, heat, electricity, etc.

And since this is the common property of the owners, then they must resolve all these issues together. This is why meetings of owners are needed, because according to the housing code, the general meeting of owners is the governing body of an apartment building.

The general meeting of owners has the right to resolve almost all issues related to the management, maintenance, repair, and use of common property.

First of all, the law obliges the owners to choose at a general meeting how to manage the house. There are options:

1. Through the management organization

2. Through HOAs, housing cooperatives or residential complexes created by the owners

3 Directly by the owners (if the house is small and there are not many apartments in it)

Also, at the general meeting, the owners determine the list of works for the maintenance and repair of common property, set the rate for maintaining common property, and elect their representatives - the house council.

They can install a set of additional services aimed at improving living conditions, for example, concierge services, installation of video surveillance, barriers, etc.

However, there are issues that are not within the competence of the general meeting - this is, first of all, the establishment of tariffs for utilities/services (they are established by the authorities of the subject of the Federation).

Issues falling within the competence of the general meeting of owners, as well as the procedure for organizing and holding general meetings of owners are regulated by Art. 44 - 48 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in addition, the main provisions on issues of general meetings of owners are reflected in Chapter 9.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Decisions of meetings”.

There are no approved forms of meeting documents; there are various methodological recommendations issued at different times, but they are not binding.

To date, only the requirements for the preparation of minutes of meetings have been established by law, approved by Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2015 N 937/pr.

You can familiarize yourself with regulatory legal acts in legal information systems and other open sources, where you can also find various (but not standardized) examples of protocols and statutes.

MOSCOW, Oct 27— RIA Novosti, Irina Khaletskaya. On one side of the railway is Russia, on the other is Ukraine. Residents of a house in the village of Chertkovo, Rostov region, again faced trouble. In the summer they were already threatened with turning off the gas, for which the owners pay Ukrainian utilities. This time they are going to turn off the cold water, since two other Ukrainian streets shared water with this house. The fact is that the Ukrainian side is switching to its own water supply, and Russian citizens from the problem house may again be left behind.

"We'll be drowned out"

The building at 2 Transportnaya Street fell into a bureaucratic trap. It was built in Soviet times by a local meat processing plant, which later became a Russian enterprise, as well as the house. However, when the company went bankrupt, no one thought about the building. So he hung between two states. During construction, gas and electricity were supplied from Melovoye (a Ukrainian village neighboring Chertkovo), and now residents partially pay for utilities to Ukraine. Moreover, it turns out to be almost four times more expensive.

Cold water, on the contrary, comes from Russia. It so happened that two more streets in Melovoy are supplied with this water. At the end of October, it became known that Ukrainian utility companies intend to cut off these streets from the Russian water supply and connect them to their own.

“I found out about this by chance: my mother lives in a house on a street that belongs to Ukraine. Inspectors came to her, explained everything, told her to buy Ukrainian meters. But no one came to us, so they’ll just turn it off? They won’t do it for our house, after all. maintain a special thread,” enclave resident Irina Andreeva (name changed at her request) tells RIA Novosti.

Technically, the water supply goes through the railway, so, she believes, the supply will be cut off on the Russian side. “This means that this will affect us too. They obviously won’t let water from Melovoe come to us personally - this is a different country, different orders,” the interlocutor worries.

According to her, on October 25, the cold water in the house was already temporarily turned off. Residents in panic began to cut off the telephone line of the Chertkovsky water utility, and the supply was returned.

“The head of the water utility doesn’t know what’s going on on his line. He told me that they didn’t turn off anything - they say, it’s the Ukrainian side that is moving their houses and making a connection. No one is embarrassed that without water the premises automatically become uninhabitable, but "This is already a violation of the Housing Code. A direct ban on turning off cold water and heating is contained in a clause of the Russian government decree of 2011. Plus, this is a violation of SanPiN," Irina explained.

RIA Novosti contacted the head of the Chertkovo water utility. Amayak Gulyak explained that the water was indeed turned off due to a pipe break, but was returned on the same day. Gulyak flatly refused to talk about a possible complete closure, asking to call back in a week.

“People are tense, any movement is perceived as harm. I don’t have any official information yet that the house will be left without water. Nobody knows, everyone is just guessing. And if there is something, it won’t be from me or anyone- then it doesn’t depend. If changes happen on the other side, we won’t know about it before the first of November,” the official commented.

He also clarified that it is impossible to reconnect the house separately - this patch is surrounded by Ukrainian land, so any “invasion” of Russian utility workers is prohibited.

Will they relocate or not?

Residents of the building on Transportnaya have been actively defending their rights for three years now. This is the only building in the enclave that still has a Ukrainian address. Therefore, the village authorities cannot resettle people to the “mainland”.

The head of the Chertkovsky district, Olga Podgornaya, previously explained to RIA Novosti that in order to relocate, the house must first be assigned a Russian address. And only then, through the court, each tenant must re-register documents for the property in the old house. Only after this they will be given a subsidy for new housing.

© Photo: provided by the residents of the house

Irina Andreeva says that there are only eight apartments in the building; three have already left the struggle. A pensioner lived in one apartment; she died. The housing went to the daughter-in-law, but she lives in Ukraine and does not need Russian property. The person registered in another apartment does not go there because he is under investigation. The third one is registered as disabled. “He is forced to constantly undergo hemodialysis procedures, which means that it is dangerous to be in conditions where, if something happens, even an ambulance will not reach him, it is dangerous. He rents housing in the main part of Chertkovo,” says Irina.

The remaining five families are trying to do everything to finally be resettled. They collect papers, make appointments with the heads of all relevant departments, and contact the media.

“Only a lazy correspondent didn’t write about our oddity house. We have already appeared on federal channels with our problem. However, there is little sense from this yet. Back in 2017, at the level of the government of the Rostov region, they decided to resettle the residents and demolish the house. All the deadlines have long passed. But we are forced to collect tons of waste paper - to prove that we live here, to run to the BTI, archives, to look for papers,” the interlocutor complains. “It seems that we are going through the quest “Will they be able to get these documents?” "

So, according to Andreeva, they were recently required to restore the chronology of all homeowners without exception. “We found it, brought it in. Everything was notarized. Then the administration asked for a floor plan. But we don’t have such documents - the meat processing plant had them. The administration knows this very well, they know that the plant’s archive was on fire. But we miraculously found this too: one person then prudently saved the documents and kept them at home all this time. So we proved that our house is Russian,” she shares the details.

However, all this has not yet brought any results. Officials say one thing: work is underway. “Supposedly our house is under the control of the legal department of the government of the Rostov region. But as far as I remember, it has been under this control for the third year. We ourselves offered to prove through the court that we live here - there are receipts for payment, stamps of border guards. Then we will prove that this is our property But there is only one answer: “Nothing is needed, the legal department will sort it out,” Irina shrugs.

“We are not negotiating with Ukraine”

The information department of the government of the Rostov region stated that “there are no and will not be any issues with water supply and sanitation in the building of interest.” The head of the Chertkovsky district, Olga Podgornaya, shared the latest information with RIA Novosti: the house has finally been assigned a Russian address, so now every resident must go to court to recognize ownership of this address. Podgornaya found it difficult to answer how long this would take.

As for water supply, the Chertkovo authorities are not negotiating with their Ukrainian neighbors. However, the head of the village assured that the residents of the house will not be left without water: “We will solve problems as they arise. If the supply is suddenly turned off, our water utility is ready to deliver water by car.”

P.S. After the publication of RIA Novosti, the governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev instructed the regional Ministry of Housing and Communal Services to conduct an inspection and find out whether there really were problems with the water supply. In particular, during the inspection it turned out that on October 25, the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Kommunalshchik" carried out work to eliminate a network break, and therefore the water supply was temporarily limited. Information that at the address st. Transportnaya, 2 in the village of Chertkovo there was a disconnection from the centralized water supply service, which was not confirmed. In a letter received by the editor, the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Rostov Region Andrei Mayer also said that the point of connection of the house to the water supply is located on the territory of Russia, so there are no plans to introduce a supply limitation regime - water will flow uninterruptedly and in accordance with the normative regime.


husband. tenant, himself zhilyanka (feminine) who is alive, who is living or who is still destined to live. He's still a long-lived man, not old. She is not a resident, she is hopelessly ill.

| A lodger, occupant or occupant of a building who rents premises. Who are the residents in this house? The owners themselves want to let in tenants. The thunderstorms threaten, but the residents live; not every threat is terrible. Perm resident. boy, servant's boy; worker, farm laborer.

| old a district nobleman who lived with the sovereign temporarily, in military service.

| Chernomor a small crustacean that always lives in an abandoned shell, in a whirlpool.

| Resident, tenant, worker. Zhiltsov, Zhilitsyn, belonging to him, her. Residential, residential, related to residents. Housing, housing, housing, housing cf. where people live, where they settled, village, village, village, population, village. We didn’t reach the village and spent the night in the forest. The housing there is about a hundred miles apart. The vein is dirty, go after the vein.

| House, hut, dugout, rooms, peace, apartment. I was looking for housing to rent, but couldn’t find it.

| Housing and living, communications, tier of the house, floor, platform. He has a house with two living quarters, two dwellings. Wolves howl under housing, indicating frost or war. Don't look for housing, look for the owner. The hut smells like housing (dwelling or residential). The living is not without a vein, and the dead is not without a grave. Residential, about a house or room: inhabited, where people live; uninhabited, abandoned or otherwise occupied. A residential building that is heated in winter; uninhabited, cold, single.

| A tenant in the world who is still destined to live. Not residential - not alive.

| archan. alive, sleepless, not sleeping. Residents were attacked, run over, and found still on their feet. Residential, everyday record, old. fixed-term bondage, an obligation to serve someone for a period of time.

| Residential person, Psk. seasoned, experienced. Zhalovaya village, lower-mak. indigenous, primordial, initial settlement by Russians; they are all almost along the Vetluga River, the others are called. repairs. Residential place, inhabited, inhabited, inhabited.

  • - b. A non-tenant who is still destined to live is not destined to live long - an allusion to a tenant - a guest in the house. Wed. He was already tormented and looked like he didn’t belong in this world...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - ...

    Dictionary of antonyms

  • - Resident's R./, TV. tenant/m...
  • - Father is already in this world...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - not vein/ts, meaning. s.kaz,...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - husband. tenant, himself zhilyanka (feminine) who is alive, who is living or who is still destined to live. He's still a long-lived man, not old. She is not a resident, she is hopelessly ill. | A guest, lodger or occupant of a house renting premises...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - RESIDENT, husband, husband. One who occupies residential premises for hire. Residents of the house. Residents' meeting. Let the tenant in. A man who will not live long is not a good survivor. | wives tenant, -s and tenant, -and...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - RESIDENT, tenant, husband. 1. A person living in a house, apartment, renting residential premises. Rent out a room to a tenant. The new tenant has moved. General meeting of residents of the house. 2. Inhabitant, resident...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - tenant I m. The one in whom there is life I 1., who lives, exists. II m. 1. Someone who lives in a house, apartment; inhabitant, inhabitant 2. The one who rents a room to live in; lodger...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - not a resident of the predik. About someone who will not live long due to poor health, illness, etc...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - lived, tenant, creator. n. - "om, gen. n. plural -"...
  • - didn’t live...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - who is still destined to live is not old; allusion to a tenant - a guest in the house Wed. He was already tormented and did not look like a tenant in this world. Leskov. Mysterious person. Wed. I'm not sick, but I was born this way...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Not a tenant. People's About a person who is close to death will not live long. FSRY, 158; BTS, 306; SBG 5, 71; DP, 398. Neither a tenant nor a dead man. Psk. Iron. About a very weak, sick person. POS 10, 238...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - ...

    Word forms

"THE RESIDENT" in books


From Przhevalsky's book author Khmelnitsky Sergey Isaakovich

“I AM NOT A RESIDENT IN THE QUIET!” Along with the joy of returning to his beloved homeland, Nikolai Mikhailovich also experienced strong sadness. She was aroused by the thought that old age was approaching and that this journey was perhaps the last. From the city closest to the border - Karakol - towards

Saratov tenant

From the author's book

Saratov tenant Morchadze-Koridze and Scepuro-Gerulaitis, at the height of the surveillance, left the Mayakovskys’ apartment and rented a room in Smirnov’s house at 419 Zemlyanoy Val, closer to the mine site. But their registration remained the same - on Dolgorukovskaya Street. A little later or a little

7. Not a tenant...

From the book Nikola Tesla author Nadezhdin Nikolay Yakovlevich

7. Not a tenant... In July 1873, 17-year-old Nikola Tesla passed all his final exams with excellent marks and received a matriculation certificate. He wrote to his father in Gospic: “I’m going home.” Milutin was in indescribable horror. No way! Either stay in Karlovac or go straight to Zagreb. IN

TOPIC OF THE ISSUE: Resident of the Peaks

From the book Computerra Magazine No. 772 author Computerra magazine

TOPIC OF THE ISSUE: Dweller of the heights Author: Alexander Bumagin It is no secret that the crisis of the nineties affected the domestic aviation industry in the most sad way. Old aircraft models are no longer allowed into Europe, and they live out their lives on domestic routes. There are no air carriers


From the book Crime Without Punishment: Documentary Stories author Shentalinsky Vitaly Alexandrovich

The resident Lev Gumilyov, having spent a total of fourteen years in captivity, returned to Leningrad with two suitcases filled with manuscripts. In the camp he finished the monograph “The Huns” - it will be published in 1960, he worked on a book about the Turks - it will become a doctoral dissertation.

Sole occupant

From the book The Book of Heaven and Hell by Borges Jorge

Sole Occupant The vast hell can only accommodate one creature: the god who invented it. L. de S. “Letter to an Atheist, full of Joys”

Last occupant

From the author's book

The last tenant You definitely need some horror! How can I tell you?! We bet that some people will no longer have the desire to search in attics for a long time? And some will avoid the ruins... This, as you guessed, is a saying. Well, anyone who is strong in history and local lore knows, of course,

Le locataire diabolique The devil's lodger

by Lourcelle Jacques

Le locataire diabolique The Devil's Tenant 1909 - France (6 min) · Prod. Star-Film · Dir. GEORGES MELIES· Starring Georges Méliès (tenant), André Méliès (child), Lallemand (young soldier), Claudel (concierge), Octavie Juvier (concierge). A tenant with magical powers takes out a suitcase

The Lodger (1926) The Lodger

From the book The Author's Encyclopedia of Films. Volume I by Lourcelle Jacques

The Lodger (1926) The Lodger 1926 - UK (74 min) · Prod. Gainsborough Pictures (Michael Balcon, Carlisle Blackwell)? Dir. ALFRED HITCHCOCK· Scene. Eliot Stannard based on the novel of the same name by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes (credits Ivor Montagu) · Oper. Baron Gaetano di Ventimiglia Starring Ivor Novello (The Lodger),

The Lodger (1944) The Lodger

From the book The Author's Encyclopedia of Films. Volume I by Lourcelle Jacques

The Lodger (1944) The Lodger 1944 - USA (84 min) · Prod. Fox (Robert Bassler)? Dir. JOHN BRUM? Scene Barre Lyndon based on the novel of the same name by Marie Belloc Lowndes · Oper. Lucien Bellaird · Music. Hugo Friedhofer · Cast: Laird Creegar (The Lodger), Merle Oberon (Kitty), George Sanders (John Warwick), Sir Cedric


From the book Home Plumber's Handbook author author unknown

Chapter 6. AND WITHOUT A TOILET - NOT A RESIDENT Flush cisterns Flush cisterns can be divided into three groups based on the height of their location above the floor and the method of connection to the toilet. The first is low-lying and directly connected to the toilet through a shelf. Flush cisterns

“The monster is a dweller of the peaks...”

From the book A Slap in the Face of Public Taste author Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich

“The monster is a dweller of the peaks...” No. 18. The monster is a dweller of the peaks, With a terrible backside, Grabbed the woman carrying a jug, With a charming look. She swayed like a fruit, In the branches of shaggy hands. Monster, freak, Enough, amuses his

Outside of a person - not a tenant

From the book His Name is AIDS [The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse] author Tarantul Vyacheslav Zalmanovich

Outside of a person - no dweller To combat infections, people have been using various disinfectants for a long time. But with viruses everything turned out to be much more complicated. The problems here are related to a certain design feature of viruses. The fact is that if an ordinary cell

The Russian language cannot survive without soil

From the book The Book Reader. A guide to modern literature with lyrical and sarcastic digressions author Prilepin Zakhar

The Russian language cannot survive without a foundation. I was inspired to write these notes by reading the journalism of my two favorite writers - Gaito Gazdanov and Leonid Leonov. In 1931, in Paris, Gaito Gazdanov, reflecting on emigrant literature, said that its main problem is


From the book Emigration (July 2007) author Russian life magazine

Resident Migrant workers live in basements and rented apartments somehow adapted for housing. The lights are usually turned off in basements: formally these are non-residential premises, and it is not clear who will pay for electricity (not so long ago I wanted to give my Kyrgyz friends an old

Accordingly, participle living is included in combination with words of various lexical layers: with inanimate and animate nouns (to a lesser extent), with toponymic vocabulary (geographical names), with universal words ( high-rise building, five-story building), with occasionalisms ( Khrushchevka, Khrushchevka), with expressively colored vocabulary ( a hut, a wreck, a mansion, a town, a village, an apartment...).
Communion resident (like the verb to live) has a pronounced stylistic connotation: it belongs to official speech, clerical style, is used mainly in texts of a business, documentary nature and in official situations of verbal communication (with representatives of the police, housing institutions, in court, when hiring and etc.).

  • Living in the meaning of “spending life in some place, among someone, living in some place, locality”: living in Moscow, in a village, in a small town, in a large (small, modest) apartment, in a small apartment, in a multi-story building (in a high-rise building); living with family.
  • Resident - “living, staying somewhere” (official): living in Moscow at the address: Savelyevsky Lane, building No. 10, apartment 2; living in an apartment with a total (living) area of ​​29 square meters (sq. m.), in a room with an area of ​​10 sq. m. m.(see articles to live and live in secondary schools, pp. 195, 610).

living and residing- Question Which is correct: “living” or “living in an apartment”? The active present participles living and living (from the verbs live and live, respectively) are polysemantic, just like the verbs from which they are formed. These... ... Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language

NON-PERMANENT RESIDENT- (non domiciled) Definition for tax purposes of a person whose country of residence is different from the country of his permanent residence. Finance. Dictionary. 2nd ed. M.: INFRA M, Ves Mir Publishing House. Brian Butler, Brian Johnson ... Financial Dictionary

How to correctly: “I live or I live”

Depending on the context (we are talking about numbers of people in the abstract or about specific individuals), there may be grounds for agreeing on grams. numbers with either a numeral or a noun. Three people live in such a small living space, which violates sanitary standards.

I am very sensitive to justice, to truth, in the most important sense of the word. Nowadays, very, very many people make a deal with themselves, with their conscience. And in the end they change far from for the better. Maybe you can tell me how to control my reaction (within myself). I would be very glad to hear advice from a professional. Thank you

Stay or stay as is right

§ 39. Prefixes at- and pre-. The writing of these prefixes follows a general rule; both prefixes occur under stress: cf. tether, attack, sound, whistle, arrived, dowry, called and interrupted, betrayed. The application of a general rule requires taking into account the different meanings of these prefixes.

residential building, apartment, service living quarters, specialized houses (dormitory, shelter hotel, house of maneuverable fund, special home for single elderly people, boarding house for the disabled, veterans and others), as well as other residential premises in which a citizen is permanently or primarily lives as an owner, under a lease (sublease), lease agreement, or on other grounds provided for by federal legislation.

Living or living as it should be

Most often, people are merciless, but no one intentionally harms you. It's hard to understand, but other people's anger has nothing to do with you. You just found yourself in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people. Any person, even you, in different conditions behaves as he sees fit. Everyone thinks only about themselves, and no one wants to consciously make their life even worse. He or she or they act in what is best for them. You just didn't see eye to eye. Don't judge people harshly.

Friends. Family. Significant people. All this, of course, is great, but you have your own life. Who to marry, who to have children with, who to sleep with, what to eat, what to think about, whether to vote for Putin - all this is up to you. Someone else's worldview, political views, life preferences do not concern you. You have the right, no, you must act as your heart, morality and humanity allow you. You will not stop being an important person for those who are really close to you. This is how natural selection works, only the worthy remain nearby.

How to draw up a deed of non-residence

My ex-husband (a military man) did not complete the documents when leaving my apartment. He has already received another apartment, but remains registered with me. Recently I started getting him discharged through the court because they couldn’t come to an amicable agreement. And then I ran into a problem - no one can write out an act stating that this person does not actually reside in my apartment. The head of the management company sent me to the district police officer, the district police officer sent me to the administration to see a housing specialist. The specialist said that he was ready to accept me, but he needed a certificate of non-residence drawn up by the district police officer. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Please tell me if there is any normative document or regulation or something else that states who exactly should carry out such an act. What documents stipulate who should draw up an act on the actual non-residence of a person in the apartment?

have drawn up this report stating that during an inspection of residential building No. _____ at the address: _________________________________________, it was established that citizen _______________________, born _________ registered at this address, does not live in the house, no personal belongings ___________ were found in the house.

Certainly! Most of them have serious experience in housing and communal services. They know how the housing stock functions and are confident that they will definitely, if not immediately, get their money. Everything is strict with us - all agreements with contractors are made only through official documents. And without the permission of the owners - the minutes of the meeting - we cannot take a penny from the house account. During repairs, all estimates, namely the scope of work, the cost of materials and the timing of the work, are agreed upon with the residents. The cost of certain services and materials varies greatly; both quality and the manufacturer play a role. But here again, the residents’ word is the law.

The current housing code does not contain such concepts as a house manager (popularly known as a house manager), a house manager or a house manager. At the same time, such persons exist and their legal status is enshrined in local regulations at the level of territorial self-government bodies.

How to correctly house residents or residents

In the 19th century, the words tenant and resident were widely used as complete synonyms, replacing each other. In the story by A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky we encounter, for example, the following phrase from the author about himself: “I am a tenant of these rocks.” In 1830, in a letter to his mother, N.V. Gogol calls himself “a natural resident of Poltava.”

RESIDENT- RESIDENT, tenant, husband. 1. A person living in a house, apartment, renting residential premises (in relation to the person from whom this premises is rented). Rent a room to a tenant. The new tenant has moved. General meeting of residents of the house. 2. Inhabitant, resident (obsolete). “Who... Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary

Helpful answers

Rent out housing without proper registration is a risky step, and it is better to spend time thoroughly studying the issue of official registration than to face the work of scammers or the unwillingness or inability of the tenant to pay rent in the future.

In Russia, a new law came into force on October 1, 2015. This personal bankruptcy law. It gives all citizens of our country the opportunity, after going through the bankruptcy procedure, to declare their financial insolvency. Previously, only legal entities had this opportunity. Now an individual, that is, an individual citizen, can also be declared bankrupt.

How to live in the future correctly

Living in the future means being constructive and acting expediently. Do not relive what happened, but correct what has been done and form new plans. Implement the principle “There are no problems, there are tasks.” Do not figure out who was to blame, but agree on the future and build satisfactory relationships. Do not object to the inaccuracy made by the interlocutor, but simply correct it with clarification or addition. If there were serious losses and all the main thoughts of the past life disappeared - find new meanings and values, build a new life. Living in the future means living not “Because”, but “In order to”.

With this approach, the past does not exist. At every moment of what happens, we filter something as “empty” (and it is forgotten), and we mark something as important, after which we put it in the desired future. What could be important and where should we put this important thing? A great idea came to mind - we caught it and wrote it down where it could be quickly found. They did something stupid - they drew conclusions for the future and threw them in their imagination in a situation where it would be relevant to use these conclusions. We found a good solution and similarly tried out where and when this good solution might come in handy in the future. This is the memory of the future.

08 Sep 2018 1233