The buildings      02/09/2024

Why do you dream about the Mattress? Why do you dream about a mattress?

  • A mattress seen in a dream means family happiness and comfort in a home full of peace and prosperity.
  • Buying a mattress - decide to build or purchase your own home.
  • Throwing away a mattress is a sign of a successful financial transaction.
  • A leaky mattress with protruding springs means that you will soon take a leadership position in your work team.
  • A mattress stuffed with hay or straw portends that through your line of work you will learn a lot of new things and make the necessary connections with significant and influential people.

See interpretation: mat (sport)

Eastern women's dream book

  • If you see a mattress, it means you will have to take on new responsibilities and be responsible for it. A dream in which you sleep on a new mattress indicates: in the current situation and current environment, everything suits you quite well. Seeing how mattresses are made is a sign that predicts the expansion of business connections and the accumulation of wealth.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Lay and lay out a carpet or mattress. - Stability in situations.

Family dream book

  • If you saw a mattress in a dream, get ready for new responsibilities and increased responsibility.
  • Slept on a bare mattress - you will be satisfied with your surroundings.
  • If you saw mattresses being made, you will deal with wealthy partners and soon make a significant fortune yourself.

Modern dream book

  • If in a dream you see a mattress, then in reality you will have to take on new responsibilities and be responsible for it. If you dreamed that you were sleeping on a new mattress, then in the current situation and current environment you are quite happy with everything. Seeing how mattresses are made in a dream predicts the expansion of your business connections and the accumulation of wealth.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • If you dream about a mattress, it means that you are quite happy with your situation. You are completely satisfied with your spouse and currently do not want to change anything.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Mattress in a dream Mattress – To lay down your own home.

Women's dream book

  • Mattress - A mattress in a dream means that you will soon take on new responsibilities and responsibilities. Sleeping on a bare mattress is a sign of satisfaction with your surroundings.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • Unplanned long trip, road

Esoteric dream book

  • Mattress - Danger of going to jail, possibly by mistake.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Bed or mattress. Marriage. Or other sexual relations.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Mattress - Seeing a feather bed, mattress, mattress in a dream means that happiness and mutual understanding await you in the family. Sleeping on a mattress is a sign of satisfaction with your surroundings. If in a dream you are lying on an air mattress, which suddenly turns out to be punctured and air begins to rapidly escape from it, this means that the business in which you are going to participate is very unreliable and risky. Seeing in a dream how mattresses are made is a sign that you will be a companion of wealthy people, and this will allow you to quickly improve your financial situation.

Spring dream book

  • Why do you dream about a Mattress according to the dream book: Mattress - To unemployment.

Summer dream book

  • Mattress – Seeing an old, torn mattress in a dream is an insult.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Mattress Mattress, feather bed – Family concerns Mattress – Seeing an old torn mattress in a dream means a miserable life.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Seeing a mattress in a dream means that you will soon take on new duties and responsibilities.
  • Sleeping on a bare mattress is a sign of satisfaction with your surroundings.
  • To dream of making mattresses means that in your business you will be associated with wealthy partners and will soon earn a significant fortune yourself.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Any problems you are currently facing will be resolved quickly.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Mattress – Vulgar woman (express.: “bedding”).

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • The mattress is a vulgar woman (expression: “bedding”).

A mattress in a dream is a symbol of family life and close relationships, responsible and profitable work, immense fatigue and resentment. Why do you dream about him? Find your story in the dream book.

See the mattress

Most collections of interpretations, including From “A” to “Z,” interpret a mattress in a dream as the embodiment of a family hearth, peace and well-being. The psychoanalytic dream book considers his appearance in a dream to be a prophecy of marriage or free intimate relationships. Tsygansky confirms that all problems will soon be resolved.

The psychoanalytic dream book, interpreting what a mattress means in a dream, looks at it from different perspectives. Firstly, as an attitude to the current situation. If it is comfortable, then everything will continue to go well. If it is hard and the springs stick out, you will have serious complications.

Secondly, the intimate side of life can also be reflected in this dream. Seeing someone comfortable in a dream is an illustration of sexual harmony. The relationship between the spouses satisfies both of them so much that this marriage is destined to be very strong. And thirdly, spiritual peace, like confusion, is also reflected in such stories.

The Russian dream book emphasizes: a cozy feather bed is a sign of peace, but not laziness. Moreover, according to the Russian dream book, it foretells a long journey, a business trip.

Why dream of a naked, unmade mattress - the dream reflects asceticism, a willingness to be content with little. According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a mattress in a man’s dream is a symbol of connection with a promiscuous woman.

Lie down

If you dreamed of covering a mattress, it means stability. It’s sweet to rest on it - you are satisfied with comfort and family life. If you dreamed of making it in a dream, in reality you will try to make your life more successful, but the Starry Collection warns of impending poverty.

Sleeping naked means that your income is too low to enjoy your work. But seeing them being sewn is a harbinger that you will have partners who will start a profitable business, and you will have a significant share in it.


Why dream of a dilapidated, dirty mattress - for May/August birthday people, this promises humiliation and resentment. According to another version, the person will occupy a leadership position. For those born in September-December, such old things predict severe need, and for those born in January/April - loss of work.

I dreamed of buying a new one instead of a dirty one - a harbinger of building a house or buying real estate. The decision to throw away the old one is a prophecy of a successful financial transaction. Seeing that the new one turned out to be convenient means: you can start a new business with reliable partners - the project will be profitable

A mattress is an important household item; it is comfortable to sleep on, relaxing your spine. But sometimes this object, which is quite familiar to us, is transferred to the world of night dreams, where it plays a certain role. Most often, such a dream is significant and must be correctly interpreted, since it contains a hint from fate regarding further events in the life of the sleeper. We invite you to find out what the mattress is meant for in dream books, as well as what interpretation options the sources offer.

General value

The image, according to most reliable and trusted dream interpreters, suggests that the dreamer will have to shoulder new obligations that will take a lot of time and energy. There will be more responsibility in his life, so, on the one hand, he will feel more significant, but on the other hand, he will be very tired.

At the same time, the pleasure of sleeping on a new feather bed most often promises the sleeper complete satisfaction with the current situation; new obligations will delight this person and encourage him to feel proud.

Watching the making of mattresses means making new acquaintances that will be very useful in business. According to the Wanderer's dream book, such a night dream promises a meeting with a vulgar girl who will play her role in the fate of the sleeper.

This is only the general meaning of the image of a mattress in dream books; for a more accurate analysis of the dream, you need to pay attention to the subtleties and details.


A familiar everyday object visiting the world of dreams does not always mean something positive. So, the mattress indicates that the sleeper or people close to him are now in danger and may well end up in prison. The dream suggests that you need to double your vigilance and not get involved in risky and dubious activities, since there is a high probability of falling for scammers.

If the shabby mattress was in an old house or basement, surrounded by various household rubbish and unnecessary things, then you should pay attention to your surroundings - the sleeper is communicating with a person who envies him, and therefore gossips behind his back. You need to get rid of such an insincere “friend” as quickly as possible.

In addition, an old mattress, not torn and quite suitable for use, is a symbol of financial stability and promises the dreamer a promotion or salary, and material well-being.

On the bed

According to dream books, a mattress located on the bed indicates that harmony and peace will reign in the sleeping person’s family. In this case, the subtleties of interpretation depend on who exactly was the dreamer:

  • If this is a woman, then she will be able to create real comfort and warmth at home, so her husband will always strive to return to his chosen one.
  • For a man, the image promises a promotion or an increase in wages so that he has the opportunity to adequately support his family.

In any case, the feather bed in its usual place symbolizes home. However, if it is old and shabby, then, according to the dream book of Simon the Canaanite, it foretells a period of poverty and material adversity for the sleeper and his family.

On the floor

According to most dream books, a mattress on the floor means the imminent arrival of guests in the sleeping person’s house. In addition, it is possible that the dreamer himself will have to go on a long journey - on a business trip or business trip. It is important to take this event seriously, because if a person shows himself well, he will be able to benefit materially from the situation.


If in the world of dreams the mattress was inflatable, then you can rejoice: very soon the sleeper and his chosen one (chosen one) will be able to enjoy each other’s company on an exciting journey. But if the dreamer simply lay on this product, then the trip will turn out to be boring and may even cause a break in the relationship.

Sleeping on an inflatable mattress that was damaged and burst for some unknown reason means that the offer that the dreamer will receive from his “business partners” is nothing more than a scam, and one should refrain from participating in such an unreliable business.

Other options

Let's get acquainted with what a mattress is meant for in dreams, according to dream books, depending on exactly what the feather bed looked like. Several of the most significant interpretations can be identified:

  • According to the gypsy dream book, the image of a feather bed suggests that any problem in the sleeper’s life will very soon be resolved in his favor.
  • The psychoanalytic dream interpreter says that the mattress in the dream world tells a person: it’s time for him to enter into a legal marriage and create a strong family. Moreover, if it is convenient, then everything in life will turn out well. If sleeping on one is very uncomfortable, with springs digging into the sides, then you should think about the fact that your current partner is not the best choice for a permanent relationship.
  • According to dream books, many mattresses promise numerous additional responsibilities in the life of the sleeper, and the more there are, the more work the dreamer will have to do.
  • According to the Russian dream interpreter, lying down on a feather bed and enjoying relaxation in the world of dreams means that in real life the sleeper needs to pay more attention to his own peace. Now is the time to take a vacation and go on an easy trip. Otherwise, there is a high risk of health problems due to overwork.
  • Making a mattress most often promises financial well-being and stability. And if after this you manage to lie down on it and fall asleep, then the entire family life of the sleeping person will be pure pleasure and enjoyment.
  • According to dream books, a dirty mattress is a bad sign; it foretells problems with work for the sleeper, disappointments in life, and possibly betrayal of a loved one. And if you happen to sleep on one, then you should prepare for financial difficulties, even poverty. Watching how a dilapidated mattress is exchanged for a beautiful and new one means a promotion and a quick solution to material problems.

We looked at why a mattress is dreamed of. There is quite a lot of contradictory information in dream books, and yet, according to most sources, this image is favorable and foreshadows positive changes in the dreamer’s life, the onset of a bright streak in his destiny.

A mattress in a dream is not a good sign. In addition to the obvious symbol of rest and sleep, it can mean various kinds of problems, including those related to personal life. But even here there are some reservations, which will be indicated by the details of the dream. Their meaning is explained by different dream books.

Interpretation according to Miller

Gustav Hindman Miller, an American psychologist of the 19th century, generally rejects the interpretation of a dream about a mattress based on the intimate sphere. For him it means:

  • accepting new responsibilities that will entail new responsibilities;
  • a sign of satisfaction with the people who surround you;
  • connections with wealthy partners who will help you make good money.

As you can see, there is nothing personal in such an interpretation. Interestingly, Miller is not the only one who thinks so.

What does a mattress mean in a dream, according to Loff?

Interestingly, David Loff, who insisted on the individuality of each dream, agrees with his American colleague, stating that in a dream a mattress is a harbinger of business relationships with wealthy business partners, thanks to which your business will prosper. Although, on the other hand, a bare mattress is a reason to pay attention to your health, because it portends a serious illness. We find approximately the same meaning in other dream books of the 18th–19th centuries.

If you dream about a mattress

  • a mattress is seen as a quick solution to problems;
  • it foreshadows a quick unexpected trip;
  • dreaming about unfolding a mattress - to stability in business;
  • if the mattress is on the floor, then the person has taken on too many responsibilities, not all of which he can fulfill.

From the last interpretation we conclude that to see such a dream is not only to be seduced by profit or new responsibilities, but also to worry about fatigue, which can become chronic and greatly interfere with the implementation of other plans.

Dreams about mattresses and personal life according to Tsvetkov

A mattress in a dream is also a kind of symbol of comfort and well-being in the home. If you dream of buying it, it means that in life you will decide on more and think about building or purchasing your own home. Seeing yourself getting rid of an old mattress is a sign of success in business and personal life. If you dream that in front of you is an old and untidy place to sleep, then in reality you will receive a new social position, broaden your horizons and strengthen your position in society. Other dream books consider this dream a harbinger of resentment. But psychoanalysts believe that any bedding symbolizes marriage or sexual relations. As you can see, the result of the interpretation of such dreams directly depends on the dream book.

A mattress seen in a dream means family happiness and comfort in a home full of peace and prosperity.

Buying a new mattress means deciding to build or purchase your own home.

Throwing away an old mattress is a sign of a successful financial transaction.

A leaky mattress with protruding springs means that you will soon take a leadership position in your work team. A mattress stuffed with hay or straw portends that through your line of work you will learn a lot of new things and make the necessary connections with significant and influential people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - A lot

If you dream that you have a lot of something, then do not expect your hopes to come true. This is a dream in reverse. He encourages you to be thrifty and appeals to your common sense.

If in a dream you have a lot of food, then you will have to starve; if there is a lot of money, then a long period of need and deprivation awaits you; if there is too much health, then you should save it in life without wasting it.

Interpretation of dreams from