Walls      12/20/2023

They say God is already on earth. ​When will the Slavic gods come to their people? Does Jesus Already Live Among Us?


I.N. Should the Slavs and descendants of the Aryans expect their Gods in the new Epoch?

MM. The Slavic Gods have a separate Hierarchy from the Hierarchy of the Light of Infinity. They are organized in Light goal-setting, but in closed conditions they have not yet accepted the Height of many dimensions as their belonging. Separateness is not punishable, provided it is correctly directed towards the Light. Many parallel civilizations are following their path to the Light, and their quantity contains the quality and possibility of great diversity.

The Slavic Gods went through the entire path of planetary formation at the very beginning of the Planet’s descent to the comic Bottom. And they prepared their descendants in terms of warning them about the need to live under the dictates of the system of Darkness. Santi Perun talk about such preparation, within which the Slavs were shown all the possible trials and even troubles that awaited them on the cosmic Day of the Solar Thor. The Solar Gods themselves left the Earth and began to wait for their people on the other side, after the Great Transition.

The period passed along the Bottom turned out to be very difficult for the Slavs. They had to acquire the necessary experience that would allow them to live and evolve in the Inner spheres of the Solar and Galactic Tori.

The Slavic peoples suffered huge losses and mixing of blood with many other peoples. The purity of the blood of the Slavs can only be expected under the conditions of the Power of Light, which will correct all the distortion that has befallen many peoples of the Planet. Purification is necessary so that the Slavic Gods can return and become Guiding Lights for new achievements of these peoples. There were warnings and instructions about the purity of blood, but they were not heeded, and therefore the meeting of the Slavs and descendants of the Aryans with their gods will become possible only on the condition that, having gone through the period of the reign of the Power of Light, the Slavic peoples will purify their blood, and then only they will be able to become one with their Gods. The final departure of the planet Earth from the Physical Plane will not follow during the Great Transition, but after the passage of the Blue, Blue and Violet Ages, which will follow one after another at a more accelerated pace than the Earthly Age, which is currently ending with the Great Transition.

The Slavic gods await their descendants at the end of the Violet Age, which will complete the Golden Age of the Power of Light. This period is spoken of as the final Judgment, when every creation will find its place where its essence strives, and to which it has a magnetic attachment.

In the meantime, within the events on Earth and in the Solar system, the Hierarchy of Light reigns, composed of representatives of the Higher Worlds who arrived here to serve as a connecting Integrity, allowing this system to safely go through all stages of the evolutionary Path within the Galactic Torus. The Hierarchy of Light has no other task than to preserve the evolutionary conditions for the planets of the Solar system and the system itself as a whole.

I.N. And what problems arose in the Solar System if a real landing of the Higher Powers was needed, which are involved in saving the Solar System?

MM The failure of evolutionary processes on several planets and the stop with the complete or partial destruction of planets on the cosmic Bottom made the Cosmic Atom of the Solar System different in its chemical composition on a macro scale inside the Galactic “Molecule”. A change in the chemical composition of the Galaxy Molecules brings a change on a Universal scale! Which requires the arrival of a “landing force” of Light Forces to eliminate the causes and prevent the possibility of further distortion of the Code of Creation in this part of the Universal Unified Light Hierarchy of Worlds.

MM All processes in the Unified Universe can be affected by a much smaller event than the destruction of a planet or several planets in the Solar System!

You can’t even tear off a butterfly’s wing without it having an impact on the Universe.

I.N. But our world is so cruel, and it is structured in such a way that every second someone tears off not just a wing, but a head, or takes away someone’s life! How are we tolerated in the Universe?

And why does Evil have such power on Earth?

MM Patience and understanding that in the conditions of being on the cosmic Bottom is a very serious test and burden for the growing consciousness, but at the same time there is also a huge NECESSITY for all the Higher Forces of Light. Not every Creation can pass through the crucible of the cosmic Bottom, but the filter of suitability for further evolution in the High Worlds is available only in such systems where each Creation can pass all types of tests and emerge victorious, enlightened by suffering and painful trials. Some do not pass such tests and remain on the cosmic bottom, as birobots on technocratic starships or as the evil spirits of infernal swamps. The System of Darkness - EGOcentric orientation reveals those who are weak and susceptible to the EGOcentric installation of the meanings of life, and they can never appear in their new births in the Worlds of the Highest Duty.

There, everyone always serves the Common Good, and not themselves, as is possible in worlds where the system of Darkness reigns.

It is possible to destroy the worlds of Evil with ease, but no one does this, because they exist to test Souls and collective forms of Mind, which, having received all the necessary skills in the war against Evil, will never again take actions of open war or violence in the Higher Worlds.

But when the Term specified for a given system ends, it is destroyed along with all its contents, and turns again into Primary Matter, suitable for the formation of new forms of Creation. And so on until Infinity!

So everything that is created within the knowledge of your and Our consciousness is expedient and necessary, even if it looks like Evil.

Freedom of Choice exists in order to choose between the direction either into the Outer Darkness or towards the Light of Infinity. Any other arbitrariness or whim is not allowed, since everything else in the Universe is regulated by the Highest Laws of Light!

Channeling I. NILOVA

Recently, the latest “apocalypse” scenarios have begun to spread especially strongly among humanity, diligently frightening us with the supposedly coming “end of the world.” Almost every month we are promised either the fall of a giant meteorite, or the explosion of a supervolcano, or global earthquakes and megatsunamis, or the beginning of a global thermonuclear war. But why, even some leading media outlets do not shy away from such publications, which were previously the property of only the “yellow” press? Is this really the threshold of some real events that can radically change the life of mankind?

What is the essence of the upcoming changes on our planet and for whom exactly do they actually pose a danger? Here, for example, is what Russian researchers, authors of the “School of Adequate Response” Mikhail and Irina Bragin, write about this in their book “Shocking Facts about Armageddon”:

“Many people do not know what “Armageddon” is! It is traditionally believed that the name “Armageddon” means “End of the World”, and the word “Armageddon” itself supposedly came from the consonant (!) nthe name of the ancient city “Megiddo” (in the Middle East). Supporters of this version are specialists in the Culture of the Middle East. We argue that the correct (!) decoding of the name “Armageddon” is the key to understanding what will really happen! In the correct (!) decoding of the name “Armageddon” is the key to understanding the Future of our Civilization!!!

We decipher the name “Armageddon”, taking into account our Discoveries in the field of Shar-etymology, as “Ar(ian) magician goes (to) the bottom”, or “Return of the Gods (to Earth)”, and the root “magician” means also “mah” (or “Great”, “Huge”). As for the name “Megiddo”, we decipher this word as “Me-gid-do”, or “Me (to be), a guide (bad, dag, earthly) to (to (to), devastate)” , i.e. “Unearthly (Higher, Light).” We prove that during Armageddon: The Gods will return to Earth!!!

The Heavenly Gods (once again) will “descend (from Heaven!) to the bottom” (as it already happened many thousands of years ago!), where the “bottom” is the surface of our Planet. In addition, the name “Armageddon”, taking into account the mutations we discovered, means “A-rma-ged-ton”, which literally translates as “A-r(a)mgad-ten" (“Immortal Unearthly”, or “Immortal Unearthly”!). According to our Discoveries, “Armageddon” means “End of an Era”, or “End of not Ra”, “End of Darkness”!

"Armageddon" is the "End of Darkness"!!! According to our Discoveries, Armageddon is not the “End of the World”, as many claim, but on the contrary - the “End of Darkness”!!! Or - the end of lawlessness,ignorance, bloody wars, violence, robbery, theft, deception, etc. We prove: “Armageddon is Light!!!”

But this is our world and we came to it precisely to help the Creator transform it into a harmonious reality. After the era of the reign of dark forces, it will not be easy to correct everything that they have polluted, but it is still possible. And no one will correct our mistakes for us. Meanwhile, technologies have already been discovered that make it possible to neutralize even the consequences of nuclear contamination.

Today is the day of God Perun!!!

In Summer 7518 from S.M.Z.H., the Month of Heylet (Receiving the Gifts of Nature), the 33rd day, all Orthodox Slavs, Rusichs, Aryans celebrate the Holiday - the Supreme Day of God Perun!
Day of veneration of the patron saint of the Holy RACE, our Wise Ancestor - God Perun!

GOD PERUN (Perkunas, Perkon, Perk, Purusha) - Patron God of all warriors and many Clans from the Great Race, protector of the Lands and Clans of the Svyatorus (Russians, Belarusians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Latgalians, Semigallians, Polans, Serbs, etc.) from the Dark Forces, Thunder God, controlling Lightning, son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God, grandson of God Vyshenya. Patron God of the Hall of the Eagle in the Svarog Circle. God Perun has already arrived on Midgard-Earth three times to protect it and the Clans of the Great Race from the dark forces of the Pekel World. Dark forces come from different Halls of the Pekel World in order to lure people from the Clans of the Great Race to their full by deception, flattery and cunning, and if this does not help, then they kidnap people in order to turn them all into obedient slaves in their dark World and not let them opportunities to spiritually develop and move along the Golden Path, as was established by God Svarog.

Dark forces penetrate not only Midgard-Earth, but also other Light Lands in Svarga the Most Pure. And then a battle occurs between the forces of Light and Darkness. Perun, already once, freed our Ancestors from Pekelnoye captivity and blocked the Interworld Gates on Midgard-Earth leading to the Inferno with the Caucasian Mountains.

These battles of Light and Darkness took place at certain intervals: “after the expiration of the Svarog Circle and the Ninety-Nine Circles of Life,” i.e. in 40176 years.

After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and what awaited the Earth in the future, the onset of dark times and the upcoming Great Asses, i.e. e. Heavenly Battles.
Fluctuations in time between the Third and the upcoming decisive Fourth Battle of Light and Darkness can constitute, in addition to the time indicated above by Perun, only one Circle of Life, i.e. 144 Leta.
There are also Legends that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several more times in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for dark, difficult times, when the Arm of our swastika galaxy will pass through spaces subject to forces from Dark Worlds Inferno.

Dark forces that have secretly penetrated Midgard-Earth are creating all sorts of false religious Cults and are specifically trying to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun, erase it from the memory of peoples, so that by the time of the Fourth, decisive battle between Light and Darkness, when Perun arrives on Midgard-Earth , people did not know who He was and for what purpose He came.

During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, about 40,000 years ago, Perun told the Asgard Mine to people from various Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clans the Sacred Wisdom about the future, which the Priests of Belovodye wrote down in the "Aryan Runes and preserved for descendants in the Nine Circles" Santiy Vedas of Perun" (in the nine "Books of Wisdom of God Perun").

God Perun gave the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Clan the Heavenly Commandments and warned about upcoming events in the future for 40,176 years. During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, God Perun told the Sacred Wisdom to the people of the Clans of the Great Race. Our Ancestors of Belovodye wrote down the Sacred Wisdom with the X’Aryan Runes in the Nine Circles of the “Santiy Veda of Perun”, in the Nine Books “Wisdom of God Perun”.
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The entire RuNet and blogosphere rejoices and celebrates Perun’s Day. This cannot fail to please the ear and eye, it is a real information
breakthrough of the Slavs and their revival. Even in Yandex, this was included in the TOP of the day for discussion on blogs.

But, even though today is Perun’s day, the holiday turns out to be a feast amidst the plague. I consider it inappropriate to organize large-scale celebrations because
the fatherland and the nation are under the yoke of a foreigner.
If you are kind, glorify Didov, give praise to Heaven, make sacrifices to the Thunderer and, having extinguished the sacred fires, open the Axes of War.

A foreign yoke in Rus'.
Does not allow the Russian heroes to breathe in the power of Svyatogorova and to open the chains of the holy fool,
the human enemy is the alienoid iver.

Does Jesus already live among us?

    Dmitry asked us the following question: « Does Jesus already live among us, if so, then where, and who is He by nationality?»
Who is Jesus Christ? This is the Great Almighty God - the creator of everything visible and invisible - who came into the world in the flesh: 1 Timothy 3:16 « And unquestioningly - the great mystery of piety: God appeared in the flesh, justified Himself in the Spirit, showed Himself to the Angels, preached to the nations, was accepted by faith in the world, ascended in glory».
Knowing who Jesus Christ is, we will answer the question whether He lives among us. 1 Kings 8:27 « Truly, can God live on earth? Heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You, much less this temple that I have built" And yet the Lord lives among people.

The Lord lives among us, but not as a man. On the day of Pentecost almost 2000 years ago, according to Biblical prophecy, He came to earth to live in everyone who by faith accepted Him as their God and Savior.

Here's what the Bible says about it:

  • Jesus makes the promise of His return in the form of the Spirit: John 14:15-20 « If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, may he be with you forever, Spirit of truth Whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; and you know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I'll come to you. A little more and the world will no longer see Me; and you will see Me, for I live, and you will live. On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.».
  • Jesus' warning to the disciples about the imminent fulfillment of the promise: Acts 1:4-8 « And having gathered them together, He commanded them: Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which you have heard from Me, for John baptized with water, and you, a few days after this, will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, they came together and asked Him, saying: Are you at this time, O Lord, restoring the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, “It is not your business to know the times or seasons which the Father has appointed in His power, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth».
  • The fulfillment of the promise on the day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-4 « When the day of Pentecost arrived they were all with one accord together. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as from a rushing strong wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And cloven tongues as of fire appeared to them, and one rested on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" Read the entire second chapter in detail.
  • Romans 8:9 « But you do not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His».
Until the time comes for the second coming of Christ, Jesus Christ will live among people in the form of the Spirit.

Today, in many nations there are false teachers posing as Jesus Christ who has returned to earth. For example, in Seoul (Korea) there are 40 such false Christs. But the Lord Jesus warned that at the end of the world many false Christs will appear: Matthew 24:23-24 « Then, if anyone tells you: behold, here is Christ, or there, do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.».

Some false prophets teach that Jesus has already come to earth secretly and lives among people. But this is a lie, because Jesus Christ himself told people through the Bible what His second coming would be like. It will not be secret or hidden. Everyone will know about him in an instant: Matthew 24:26-27 « So, if they say to you, “Behold, He is in the wilderness,” do not go out; “Behold, He is in the secret chambers,” do not believe it; For just as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man».

So, Jesus Christ lives among people and inside every believer who accepts Him as their God and Savior. And the Spirit, as we know, has neither flesh nor bones (Luke 24:39), nor, therefore, nationality.

When Jesus lived on earth in the flesh, we know very well that He was a Jew by nationality.